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Johnson 1

Hampton Johnson
K. Turner
English 111
11 September 2014
Informal Writing Two
When piecing together a sound track for the novel Dare Me one must consider which part of the
book they wish to centralize the music too. For example, if centralizing your sound track at the
beginning of the book most of the songs are going to be scattered in mood and tone. However, if your
sound track is reflective of the ending chapters of the book the music is going to be deep and
meaningful. Seeing how I have no real taste for random music with little to no feeling in it a chose to
centralize my sound track towards the ending half of the novel.
More specifically most of the songs selected on my playlist pertain to feelings projected directly
or indirectly by Coach or Beth, with the exception of two choices. The first song selected is I and Love
and You by The Avett Brothers. This song was picked for the emotion evoked as the band sings three
words that became hard to say I and Love and You. These feelings projected by the Avett
Brothers match those of Coach towards her husband while she is sleeping with will. The next song is
Simple Man by Lynard Skynard this song is used in relation to Sergeant Will because he is described as a
simple military man. The third song is Grey Street by Dave Mathews Band this song pertains to both
Coach and Beth. In regard to Coach the lyrics state I pray but my prayers they fall on deaf ears am I
supposed to take all by myself? this is synonymous to Coaches feelings after Will is dead. This song as
says There is an emptiness inside her and shell do anything to fill it in. this describes Beth, when we
learn she is bitter for Addys and Coachs relationship and all her actions are to simply get Addy back as a

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friend. Another song which happens to again be by the Avett Brothers is Weight of Lies the song states
the weight of lies will bring you down follow you to every town cause nothing happens here that
doesnt happen there in relation to Coach and Addy, neither one of them could contain all the lies
told throughout the novel. This song concludes my meaningful sound track. Other bonus tracks would
include the soundtrack from Brother Where Art Thou simply because the show and the sound track are
415 words

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