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Running head: Entrepreneurings culture and movement

Entrepreneurings Dynamic Culture and Movement within its Culture

Patrick Hesse
University of Kentucky


Planning Tools
General Purpose: To inform the audience about entrepreneruings culture and the
movement the culture is facing.
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience on the skills needed to be an entrepreneur, the
positives and negatives entrepreneurs face to the road to success, and the increasing
amount of women joining this work force.
Thesis: I want to inform my audience about the individualistic culture of Entrepreneuring.
I will do so by discussing the individualistic characteristics it takes to be an entrepreneur,
the pros and cons of the culture. I will also be discussing masculinity vs. femininity in this
field by the addition of women to this field.
Entrepreneurings Dynamic Culture and Movement within its Culture.
I. Attention Catcher: Have you ever had that mean boss or manager? Have you ever thought
about what it would be like to own your own business, and be your own boss? Well if you have,
listen up because part of the culture in entrepreneuring is being your own boss and making
decisions for yourself. Onemayaskwhatisentrepreneuring?Well,anentrepreneurisonewho
II. Listener Relevance Link: Not having to worry about having a mean pushy boss or manager
and most people would rather be their own boss working their own hours and schedule.
III. Statement of Speaker Credibility: My experiences and contacts make me a credible source, I
have been blessed to live with a successful entrepreneur all my life and being constantly exposed
to the people and culture that comes with it. I am also credible through the Primary research I did
interviewing Scott Hesse a successful entrepreneur, and through secondary research online.
IV. Thesis Statement: Through my speech I want to inform my audience about the individualistic
culture of Entrepreneuring. I will do so by discussing the individualistic characteristics it takes to
be an entrepreneur, the pros and cons of the culture. I will also be discussing masculinity vs.
femininity in this field by the addition of women to this form of work.
V. Preview of Main Points: There are a certain set of skills one must possess to be a successful,
there are also many pros and cons of entrepreneuring, and recently there has been an increase in
women into this culture.
Transition: If you have had the manager or boss from hell and would prefer to be your own
boss then the first thing you need to consider is, do I have what it takes?


I. MainPoint1:Whatittakestobeanentrepreneur.
i.Think of the most successful business entrepreneurs in history, Steve Jobs,
Donald Trump, and Oprah Winfrey do you think these people sat around contemplating to follow
their thoughts and dreams? Of course not successful entrepreneurs are risk takers, these people
went out and took a chance, knowing there was a possibility of complete failure. Many of the
most successful entrepreneurs have failed many times; I remember when I was watching Jobs the
movie, it showed Steve Jobs failing many times and him never giving up on his dream, and in the
end it paid off. By never giving up and following his dream he will probably end up being one of
the most successful entrepreneurs in history.
ii. Itisimportanttobethekindofpersonwhoseesopportunitiesaschallenges,
B. Beselfmotivatedandactionoriented.
i. Being self-motivated is something that is necessary as a successful entrepreneur,
if one doesnt have the mental strength to work the job until its finished the business will never
grow. Entrepreneurs also need to have the ability to adapt to changing situations, whether this is
a bump in the road on a project or the use of a unfamiliar technology, they must adjust to get the
job done due to them being their own boss. They are also very passionate about their
ideas/work and that helps them drive to get their job done. (8 traits of successful entrepreneurs)
Transition: If you consider yourself to have the traits of entrepreneuring, before you get
ahead of yourself you want to weigh the pros and cons that come with this field of work.
II. Main Point 2: Pros and cons of entrepreneuring.
A. Pros of Entrepreneuring
i. There are many pros to entrepreneuring some obvious and some not so obvious.
The first is control, individualism is shown in this because as your own boss you have the ability
to choose the work you enjoy. Another positive individualistic trait of this job is the flexibility,
proper time management and budgeting can allow for free time to enjoy other activities in your
life such as vacations, watching your kids sports, and just relaxing.
ii. Something else that is a great positive to entrepreneuring is the income, the sky is
the limit on this because your income is diresctly proportional to the efforts and success of your
B. Cons of Entrepreneuring
i. Quite often an entrepreneurial business is a niche business. In economic
downturns, niche businesses can be vulnerable to a shrinking market, and if that happens, a
successful entrepreneur must be prepared to react decisively, quickly, and efficiently. This is why
individualism even though a positive can still have a negative effect. All of the economic
problems are strictly thrown on your shoulders as a boss. Mr. Hesse also explained to me how his
first business operated by feast or famine, due to it being a seasonal business where 80% of the


revenue was made in 4 months, there were many unique budget challenges he faced throughout
the year.
ii. Another con of entrepreneurship comes from the work schedule that they face.
Even though at times the work schedule can be a pro letting you pick and choose when you want
to work. A majority of the time it requires more work and longer hours to get the business up and
rolling than being just a regular employee.
1. Transition: Now, Many men may believe that another con could be a woman
aremorelikedandrespectedbymanagers. Twotraitswherewomenoutscored
III. Main Point 3: The addition of women to the culture work force of entrepreneuring.
A. Women contributions to Entrepreneuring.
B. The movement of women into the culture of entrepreneurship helping the field.
Another thing that shows women are becoming more of an equal influence
in this culture is the opportunities through (The U.S. Small Business Administration)
women can recieve. There are many different grants to help in pursuing ones dream of opening
a business. SBA and the Office of Womens Business Ownership have collaborated with many
organizations to give the best resources for women chasing entrepreneuring as a career such as
start up grants and many resourceful classes to help lead women in the right direction when
beginning their entrepreneurial life. (


I. Thesis Restatement: As one can clearly see Entrepreneuring is a highly individualistic
culture. Just about every section is individualistic from what it takes to the pros and cons all
falling on the business owners shoulders. It also shows the dynamic changing culture of
masculinity vs. femininity and the equal opportunities women are now getting as entrepreneurs.
II. Main Point Summary: Remember every successful entrepreneur possesses a certain set
of skills that motivate him/her, keep in mind entrepreneuring has its positives and negatives, and
finally its exciting that the gender gap is decreasing in entrepreneuring; women can be as
successful as men.
III. Clincher: So being your own boss still sounds appealing to you? Okay go for it, but
remember if you hated that boss from hell dont become that boss from hell.



"Interview with an Entrepreneur." Interview.
"Manage Risk." Manage Risk. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
"Pros and Cons of Being an Entrepreneur." Pros and Cons of Being an Entrepreneur.
Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
"Weighing the Pros and Cons of Being an Entrepreneur." Weighing the Pros and
Cons of Being an
Entrepreneur. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
"8 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs--Do You Have What It Takes?" MBDA Web
Portal. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

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