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To the parent/guardian of Megan,

My name is Meredith Brimmer, and I am Megans Spanish

teacher. I am al the head of this years Spanish Club. I am
writing this letter to you, asking you to urge Megan to join the
Spanish club.

I hope to see Megan in Spanish Club soon!

Meredith Brimmer
Ribbon Learning Academy

419-123-4567 mbrimmer@ribbonlearning.edu

Spanish Club is not a class, students do not receive a grade. Meetings take place during the
lunch period. We never have meetings before or after school, which allows students to take
the bus. We do numerous activities throughout the year such as a Cinco de Mayo party.
Students in Spanish Club have been known to help tutor each other in Spanish and many
other subjects. I believe Megan will fit in very well in Spanish Club.

Megan is such a bright student, but she has been struggling in

Spanish this year. Joining Spainish Club will give her and
extra opportunity to practice speaking Spanish and to get extra
assistance from me. I also believe that Megan will greatly enjoy our activities, as she seems
to have a real passion for the Spanish culture.


1506 Sunshine Drive

Venice FL 91342

567 Eductaion Lane Vencie FL 91342


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