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Bram Vanquickenborne

Fash Adepoju
Thibault Panckoucke

Report on Risk
In the English class of October 16 we had to do a research about risks. Based on
several questions we have to write a report about all the risks concerning the
students in class.

Initially we prepared a list of questions. Then we individually went to 15 students

to ask about the risks and asked how risky they are living.

The questions:

Are you male or female?


Male (10)

Female (5)
Result: 5 female & 10 male

Whats your age?


20 (6)

21 (5)

22 (2)

23 (2)

How do you come to school?


Train (1)

Bus (1)

Car (8)

Bicycle (3)

Foot (4)

Financial stability:

Living on your own (4)

Living by your parents (11)

How much pocket money do you receive every week?


<25 euro (3)

25-50 euro (5)

Bram Vanquickenborne
Fash Adepoju
Thibault Panckoucke

50-100 euro (5)

>100 euro (2)

How many hours do you sport in 1 week?


<1hour (4)

1-3 hours 8)

3-10 hourskm

>10 hours(3)

How many glasses of alcohol do you consume in 1 week?


<5 (0)

5-10 (2)

10-25 (5)

>25 (8)

Do you smoke

Yes (6)

No (9)
If yes: how many cigarettes a day?
<2 (3)
2-6 (3)

Did you have unsafe sexual intercourse in the last year?


Yes (8)

No (7)

Whats the highest speed you have ever reached by car on the

Max 120

120-150 (1)

150-200 (7)

200-250 (7)


Did you ever drive a car when you were drunk?

Bram Vanquickenborne
Fash Adepoju
Thibault Panckoucke

Yes (9)

No (6)

Do you often eat fast food?


Never (1)

1-3 times per week (11)

3-6 times per week (3)

> 6 times

Did you ever use illegal drugs?


No (5)

Soft drugs (9)

Hard drugs (1)

How close do you live to the Overpoort?


<500 m (3)

500-1500 m (4)

1500- 10km (2)

>10km (6)

We interviewed 10 boys and 5 girls between the age of 20 and 23 years old. In
the first 5 questions of the survey we asked some general questions which do not
tell a lot about the risks of the persons. We can conclude that only a very few
pupils come to school using the public transport. The majority comes by car, by
bicycle or even by foot. About one third of all our interviewees is living on their
own, and the remaining part is living by their parents. The weekly pocket money
of the KMO-student varies between 25 and 100, with a small minority having
more than 100 and some having less.
When it comes to sports, we can see that about one third has less than 1 hour
exercise in a week, which can be a risk for their health. If we look at the alcohol
consumption, an important finding is that all pupils drink alcohol weekly, and
even half of them is drinking more than 25 alcohol units in one week. This is
considered as too much and can be life threatening on the long-term according to
some doctors. Apart from alcohol, theres another bad habit, called smoking. One
third of the KMO-students smoke, but if we can see something positive in it, its
that they do not smoke more than 5 cigarettes a day on average.
Another dangerous habit of young people is having unsafe sex, and we found that
half of the KMO-students had unsafe sex during the last year, which means they
also risk having STDs.

Bram Vanquickenborne
Fash Adepoju
Thibault Panckoucke
When they are behind the steer of their vehicle, the pupils also tend to drive to
fast. We can see that most of them already drove above 150km/h and even 7
drove above 200km/h. We see that 9
students already have drove a car when they were drunk, if we put this question
in a combination with question 11, we see that a lot of students are a danger on
the road. Only six students wouldnt drive a car when they were drunk.
In our survey, we also asked to the students if they often eat fast food. The
results are pretty good, theyre better than we toughed. Because eleven students
eat only 1 - 3 meals in a whole week. Three students eat 3 - 6 meals in a week.
But, when we asked to the students if they ever used illegal drugs, the results
were a disaster! 9 students already tried soft drugs, which is in most cases
smoking a joint. One student already tried hard drugs.
Our last question is basically a general question. Because a lot of students lives
near to the
Overpoort and we all know that a lot of bad things could happen in that place. So
our last question was: How close do you live to the Overpoort. In the results we
see that 7 students live near than 1.5 km distance. This is almost 50% of the

In this small survey, we can conclude that students live a risky life. We can easily
link the questions to each other and we see that many students are driving a car.
Because, we have seen in the results that most students come to school by car.
And many students drive too fast on the highway and more than 50% drive a car
when they were drunk. So, according to our survey we can conclude that this is
the most risky thing for students.
Finally, According our survey, students attach great importance to their health,
what future-oriented very important is.

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