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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:

1st Grade

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content: Motion Day 1

What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson?
(You should include ALL applicable
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: theyd never get through
them all.)

SC.1.P.12.1 Demonstrate and describe the various ways that objects can move, such as in a straight line,
zigzag, back-and-forth, round-and-round, fast, and slow.
SC.1.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them individually and in teams though free
exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those
SC.1.N.1.3 Keep records as appropriate such as pictorial and written records of investigations

Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or essential
question that you want students to
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this

What are examples of the various types of motion?

Forward and backward
Round and round

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
The students will synthesize concepts relating to force and motion in order to engineer a product using
students know and be able to do
the engineering design process with 90% mastery.
after this lesson? Include the
ABCDs of objectives: action,
behavior, condition, and degree of
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense D:
with no errors in tense or tense

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

contradiction (i.e., I will see her

Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)
Address the following questions:
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it this
Why is it important for
students to learn this concept?

Why are you teaching this objective?

I am teaching this objective so that the students can apply what they know about motion and create their
own force of motion.
Where does this lesson fit within a larger plan?
By creating their own playground equipment, the students will be able to relate the forces of motion to
other real life situations.
Why are you teaching it this way?
Because all of my students are visual and kinesthetic learners, I am providing them with a visual and
hands-on activity that involves the students creating their own playground equipment that demonstrates
a particular force of motion.
Why is it important for students to learn this concept?
It is important for the students to learn this concept so that they are able to recognize and differentiate
between the various types of motions.

Evaluation Plan- How will you

know students have mastered
your objectives?
Address the following:
What formative evidence will
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?

Formative evidence:
Day 1 worksheet
-What playground equipment are you creating?
-Which motion does this equipment match with?
-How will you create your playground equipment?
Summative evidence:
Day 2 worksheet:
-What happened during your experiment?
-Did it go in the motion you wanted?
-What would you do differently next time?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

Data: Name the Motion! (worksheet)

What Content Knowledge is
necessary for a teacher to teach
this material?

What background knowledge is

necessary for a student to
successfully meet these
How will you ensure students
have this previous knowledge?
Who are your learners?
What do you know about them?
What do you know about their
readiness for this content?

The teacher must have prior background knowledge with how to differentiate the different forces of
motion as well as basic arts and crafts skills to help facilitate this lesson.

How will you ensure students have this previous knowledge?

I will ensure that the students have this previous knowledge based on whether or not they were able to
complete the foldable from the pre-assessment.
Who are your learners?
1st graders.
What do you know about them?
They are comprised of both kinesthetic and visual learners. They also work best in pairs. This lesson
incorporates a visual and hands-on activity in which they are allowed to work with a partner that has
been previously assigned.
What do you know about their readiness for this content?
Based on the data collection from the pre-assessment of the foldable, I had 10 out of 13 students complete
the foldable with 100% mastery. I will pull the other 3 students into a small group to review before
moving on to the next part of the lesson.

What misconceptions might

students have about this content?

The students might confuse one force of motion with another. For example, they might say that a swing
goes around and around. Problems may then arise when it comes time to design their experiment.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will you
use during this lesson? Examples
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in
teaching this lesson? Be thorough.
Act as if you needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for you.)


Where applicable, be sure to

address the following:
What Higher Order Thinking
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask?
How will materials be
Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
How will students transition

4 min

Partner work (group ahead according to level)
Utilizing the timer
Direct instruction

Who is
(Teacher or

Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use whichever
plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson. For example, in science,
you would detail the 5 Es here (Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the
Idea; Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea; Evaluation).
Before the lesson:
-Set up post-its with matching shapes so they can find their partner.
-Have the supplies prepared in the Ziploc bags.
-Make copies of the Day 1 worksheet.


1. Attention Getter/Review: Dance to the Motion

2. Have the students stand up.
3. Display the motion on the board and have the students demonstrate
what the motion looks like with music playing.
4. Take notes on if a student is demonstrating the wrong motion or doesnt

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade

between activities?
What will you as the teacher do?
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each phase?
What are other adults in the
room doing? How are they
supporting students learning?
What model of co-teaching are
you using?

1 min

2 min


1 min

8 min



What will you do if

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

5. After the students have gone through each of the four motions, have them
sit down back in their seats.
6. Now, have the students imagine that their class is being chosen to design
a new piece of playground equipment for their school. They have to
design a piece of equipment that demonstrates one of the four forces of
7. Have the students brainstorm examples of equipment that demonstrate
each force of motion out loud with the class.
8. After the discussion, have the students find the person with the matching
shape on their desk (this is their partner).
9. Once the students find their partner, have one person from the pair come
get a Ziploc bag with the supplies from the teacher.
10. Have the students look at the bag of supplies and fill out the Day 1
worksheet to help them create their plan on their design. Remind the
students that they can only use the supplies that are in their bag but if
they need more, they can ask the teacher.
11. After they have filled out their worksheet, have the students begin to
work on their experiment.
12. Set the timer for 15 minutes.
13. Once the timer is up, collect the Day 1 worksheets as the summative
14. The lesson will continue on to the next day where the students will test
out their design.

a student struggles with the content?

They will be paired with a student to help them accomplish the activity effectively.

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

They will be asked a series of questions that relates to their playground equipment design that they can
answer in their science journal.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade
Meeting your students needs as
people and as learners

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
At this age, children from all cultures have experience with playing outside on a playground. This instills
the prior background knowledge that is needed to make a personal connection with the lesson.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
Since the students have prior experience on the playground at school, they will be able to recognize the
various forces of motion in other situations within their community as well.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
If the students need additional challenge, I will have the students create another playground equipment
using a different force of motion.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?
If the students need additional language support, they will be able to refer back to their drawings on
motion from their foldable. They will also be provided with a visual and hands-on activity to help assist
them in their conversation to their peer.

Accommodations (If needed)

(What students need specific
accommodation? List individual
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
(What materials will you use? Why
did you choose these materials?

BC-(ASD) Since there are an uneven amount of students in the class, this gives me the opportunity to
work one-on-one with this students to ensure that he is able to grasp the content and work efficiently on
the experiment.

Day 1 worksheet

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught:
1st Grade
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)

Ziploc bags
Paper towel tubing
Toilet paper tubing
Construction paper
Coffee filters
Aluminum foil
Paper plates
Pipe cleaners
Paper clips
Rubber bands

Group Size:
Whole Group

Name: __Sierra Gonzalez_____

Date of Lesson:

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