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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd

Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word
What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson?
(You should include ALL applicable
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: theyd never get through
them all.)

Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

Lesson Content
MAFS.2.OA.1.1- Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one and two step word problems
involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number
to represent the problem.
MAFS.2.NBT.2.7Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based
on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate
the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three digit numbers, one adds
or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to
compose or decompose tens or hundreds.

Essential Understanding
How can I solve multi-step word problems using efficient strategies?
(What is the big idea or essential
question that you want students to
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this
Objectives- What are you
Given a multi-step word problem, the student will be able to determine the most efficient strategy to solve
the word problem correctly.
(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to do
after this lesson? Include the
ABCDs of objectives: action,
behavior, condition, and degree of
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense D:
with no errors in tense or tense
contradiction (i.e., I will see her

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word

Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

Note: Degree of mastery does not

need to be a percentage.)
Address the following questions:
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it this
Why is it important for
students to learn this concept?

Evaluation Plan- How will you

know students have mastered
your objectives?

Address the following:

What formative evidence will
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?

What Content Knowledge is

necessary for a teacher to teach
this material?

I am teaching this objective because it is very important for students to know how to solve word
problems. This is not only important because it is something they need to know for testing, but
most word problems deal with real life instances that actually happen and students need to know
how to solve those problems.
It fits within a larger plan because it is preparing students for the unit test as well as showing
students how to solve real life problems.
I am teaching it this way because it is engaging, which will make the students want to learn.
It is important for students to learn how to solve word problems because people use them every
day. It is also important for students to learn which strategies are efficient when solving word
problems because this will hopefully help students solve word problems faster.
I will know students have mastered my objectives by the piece of summative assessment that I
will be giving them as well as through the formative evidence I will collect during the activity I will
have them do.
The formative assessment that I will use as evidence will be collected during the activity that I will
have them do. During that activity I will collect data on who is grasping the content based off of
my observations while walking around and listening to the students talk about their answers. I
will also collect data after the first question I give by asking students to write on their notebook a
smiley, sad, or in-between face referring to how well they understood the question. If the majority
put a sad face or in-between face, I will modify the next question I am going to give them. I will
also have students write on a sticky note which strategy they thought was most effective in order
to collect more data.
The summative assessment that I will collect will be the worksheet at the end of the lesson. I will
also ask students if there were any questions that they found to be particularly difficult and we
will go over those as a class.
Teachers need to know how to code a word problem. They need to either have their own coding
that theyve taught the students or use a type of coding they use from a different resource.
Teachers also need to know of various strategies to solve multi-step problems. Some of these
ways can be using expanded form, quick draw, ten frame, timeline, etc. They also need to know
which strategies are more efficient in general and which can be more efficient for the students.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word
What background knowledge is
necessary for a student to
successfully meet these
How will you ensure students
have this previous knowledge?
Who are your learners?
What do you know about them?
What do you know about their
readiness for this content?

What misconceptions might

students have about this content?

Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will you
use during this lesson? Examples
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in
teaching this lesson? Be thorough.


Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

The background knowledge needed for a student to successfully meet these objectives are
knowing how to code, how to solve multi-step word problems, and how to determine if they need
to add or subtract. They also need to know what different types of strategies they can use to solve
these problems.
I have ensured that student have this previous knowledge by teaching several math lessons the
previous weeks that included solving word problems and using coding.
My learners are 18 2nd graders.
I know that they enjoy math and like to learn.
I know that they are ready for this content. This is not anything new to them and is more of a
repetition lesson that allows them to become more comfortable with solving word problems. I
know that the majority of them do well with math, but most tend to struggle when it comes to
word problems.
Based off of the pre-assessment data that I have collected, I know that my students are struggling
with solving word problems on their own. I collected data from warm-up questions we did as a
whole class, their independent work that they did during the first week of November, as well as
partner work they did during the second week of November. After creating graphs/tables of these
pre-assessments, I know how to plan for this lesson.
Students might confuse whether they need to add or subtract based on the wording of the
Students might forget what specific ways they need to code the word problem.
Students might choose a strategy that ended up not working efficiently.
Lesson Implementation
We will use direct instruction, guided release, whole group, small group, individual work and

Who is
(Teacher or

Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use whichever
plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson. For example, in science,
you would detail the 5 Es here (Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word
Act as if you needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for you.)
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
What Higher Order Thinking
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask?
How will materials be
Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
How will students transition
between activities?
What will you as the teacher do?
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each phase?
What are other adults in the
room doing? How are they
supporting students learning?
What model of co-teaching are
you using?



Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

Idea; Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea; Evaluation).

1. Begin by telling the students the essential question for the day to let them
know what we will be doing.
2. Move on to the warm up activity where students will sit on the carpet
and we will pass the beanbags around. When we stop and a student has
the bean bad, they will answer a math question like 10+20-10=? This
will get them ready for math that day and will get them in the gear of
solving multi-step problems. I will make sure all students have the
opportunity to go by telling the students that if the beanbag lands on you
and youve already answered a question, pass it to someone else.
3. After this, we will move on to having the students grab their math
notebooks. We will go over different strategies that we can use to solve
multi-step problems. Then we will solve a multi-step word problem using
efficient strategies as a whole group. We will solve the problem together
and then move on to a second problem.
4. After all students have solved the second problem, I will assign a number
to each student. Then I will then roll the die and whatever number it
lands on I will have those students rotate to the next table. When they get
there, they will use the talking cones to discuss what strategy they used
and see if they got the correct answer.
5. Depending on time, I would like to do this at least three times.
6. After this activity, I will have students write on a sticky note which
strategy they found to be most effective during that activity.
7. After we have gone over those sticky notes, I will give students they small
worksheet to complete. This will allow them to work independently on
the worksheet and will give me the opportunity to work with a small
group in the back.
8. As a wrap up, I will ask students if there were any questions that they
found to be difficult and why. Then as a class we can go over those
Some higher order thinking questions that I will ask will be How do you
know that is the answer? Can you show me another way to find that
answer What would happen if we added one hundred to this number?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word

What will you do if

Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

Materials will be distributed by both myself and the students.

Students will transition from their desks to the carpet, back to their
desks, then only four students at a time will transition, then all students
will work independently while others are pulled back with me.
As the teacher I will give instructions, facilitate the directions, help when
needed, and work with a small group.
The students will facilitate their learning and explore efficient ways to
answer word problems.
The data that I will collect during the two part warm up will be mainly
from the second part. Based off of the students answers, I will determine
if we need to do another whole class question before breaking off into
small groups. I will also collect data after the first question I give by
asking students to write on their notebook a smiley, sad, or in-between
face referring to how well they understood the question. At the end, I will
collect data based off of the independent worksheets they did.
Other adults in the room are going to be observing my teaching.
My collaborating teacher will be observing during the lesson, but we
used co-teaching before by planning the lesson together, I will just be
teaching it on my own.

a student struggles with the content?

If a student struggles with the content I will first see if two students are struggling with the content and
then pair them together to bounce ideas off of each other and try to solve the problem. If this is
unsuccessful then I will have them work in a small group with me during independent work. If there are
several students, as in half the class or more that struggle, I will take the time to not have the worksheet
be independent and instead go through it as a class. There are four students that will require
differentiation based off of their needs determined by the school.
Two out of the four students require additional time to complete assignments, so this will be given to
them. They will be able to either take the assignment home for homework, or work on it the next day in
the morning as bell work. All four students require speech assistance two times a week, so these four
students will be the first four to work in a small group with me during independent time. The other two
students can also be given additional time the next day if they would like or need it.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word

Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

If a student masters the content quickly, I will either have them go on the computer and do fast math,
have them go back and solve the question a different way using a H.O.T question, make up their own word
problems to solve or share with the class, help a student who needs it, or independent read.

Meeting your students needs as

people and as learners

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
The questions revolve around topics that students would be interested in like money, basketball, iPods,
running, reading, etc.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
I will differentiate for these students by asking them H.O.T questions and asking them to explain their
thinking with sentences instead of just with pictures.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?
I will give these students more time as well as pair them with someone who can assist them because that
student grasps math content well and quickly. They are also more than welcome to use a dictionary if they
feel like they want one.
Accommodations (If needed)
(What students need specific
accommodation? List individual
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique

O.A: Given more time, paired with student who grasps math content well and quickly, brought back for
small group instruction.
K.D: Given more time, paired with student who grasps math content well and quickly, brought back for
small group instruction.
L.T: Given more time, paired with student who grasps math content well and quickly, brought back for
small group instruction.
H.S: Given more time, paired with student who grasps math content well and quickly, brought back for

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd
Subject/Content: Math/Efficent
strategies for multi-step word
(What materials will you use? Why
did you choose these materials?
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)

Group Size:

Name: _____Scarlett Davis________________

Date of Lesson: 11/18/14

small group instruction.

We will use the white board, the students math journals, Elmo, dice, beanbags, and worksheets.

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