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Lesson Plan Model #2

Samantha Pallitto
Grade: 3
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to differentiate between herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
Students will be exposed to the concept of the food chain
Students will construct their own model of a food chain.
Common Core Skills: Content Area Standards: (SC3.2) The student demonstrates an
understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through
the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by: organizing a simple food chain of familiar
plants and animals.
Food Chain
Chart Paper
Colored Construction Paper
Tape or Glue
Poster Paper
Students will be able to work in pairs.
Students will be learning visually, auditory, and kinesthetically
The teacher will assess that the students met the objective by grading the food chains the
students have created.
The teacher will collect index cards with definitions.
Warm-up (5 minutes)
The teacher will bring the students attention to the smart board for a short video on food chains
and types of eaters.

Scientists turn your attention to the smart board. I would like you to pay attention and think
about what it is you think we will be researching today.
Mini-Lesson (10-15 minutes)
The teacher provides whole class direct and explicit instruction in the following ways:
So scientists, from the video that we just watched, can anyone volunteer and tell me what
it is you think we will be learning about today? Can you support your answer with how you
know that?
Excellent responses, we will be learning about the types of eaters animals are, as well as
the food chain animals are all in. Can you please take out your science journals and record
our objective for the day. Ill say it to you once, and then we will all repeat it together and
write it in our journals. Our objective today is that we will be able to tell the difference
between a herbivore, a carnivore, an omnivore and construct our own food chains.
After students write down the objectives in their science journals, turn their attention
towards the chart paper. After watching the video who can tell me what we know about
types of eaters or food chains?
Create a KWL chart for the students to refer back to throughout the lesson.
Turn and talk to a partner for one minute and discuss two things you would like to learn
during this lesson.
Take two volunteers, and write in the W section of the KWL chart.
"Scientists, I would like you to break off into 4 groups of 5. The first group will research
herbivores, the second group will research carnivores, the third group will research
omnivores, and the last group will research food chains. You are allowed to use
informational texts, or the computers. Make sure you research the definition and an
example for whichever category your group has.
After about 5 minutes, teacher redirects group, and each group gives the definition and an
example of their topic. Teacher writes each on the L part of KWL chart, and clarifies the
definitions. While teacher writes the definitions and examples on chart paper, the students
will record each definition and example in their science journals.
Scientists, you will be creating your own food web that contains these types of eaters. Let
me show you first.
Lay out a previously drawn picture of grass, a rabbit, a snake, and a hawk.
Take a string of yarn between each picture.
Place food chain on big poster paper labeled food chain.
Hang in front of the room for students to refer back to.
So scientists, I would like you to turn and talk to a partner for a couple minutes about a
food chain you would like to create on your own.

Independent Work Time (30-40 minutes)

Students work either independently or in pairs to draw their own pictures of producers,
herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
Then connect the pictures with string to create a food chain.
When the pictures are finished they will glue/tape the food chain to a larger poster board.
Poster boards will be hung around the room.
Teacher will walk around and confer with students or pairs.
Share Session (5 minutes)
The teacher reconvenes class to provide students with time to present their food chains to
the rest of the class. Each poster will be hung around the room for the rest of the class to
see and refer back to throughout the unit.
The teacher will show this short video for a fun closure:
Reflection: As the science lesson comes to an end, the students will all write the definitions of
herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and food chain on an index card that will be collected.
Extended Learning:
Scientists, tonight If you can, I would like you to play this food chain game online, and start
thinking about what a food web is, as well as what would happen if one animal is taken out
of the food chain.

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