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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Samantha Pallitto

Date: November 17, 2014
Subject / grade level: 4
Billy Boy recording
Paper and Pencils
White board
NC SCOS Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives
Standard 8: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts: Students
identify ways in which the principles and subject matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated
with those of music.
Lesson objective(s):
SWBAT to identify patterns and number sequences as ways to solve musical and mathematical problems
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
If students are more kinesthetic or visual learners have them look for and describe repeated patterns in visual art
works or posters in the room or throughout the school.
Write the pattern ti-ti tat on board.
Ask students to pat-pat-snap this pattern several times.
Play the song Billy Boy and count number of times the ti-ti ta pattern is repeated at the beginning of song. (6
Write the pattern 6 times in a horizontal sequence across the board.
Have students perform the song by saying ti-ti ta and using the pat-pat snap movement.
Students will use lower case letters a for ti-ti and lower case b for tat to describe this pattern. (ab ab ab ab
ab ab)
Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about how many items are in each of the six sets on the board (two).
Mathematics is also filled with interesting patterns, and you can solve problems with numbers and with musical
notation by looking for patterns.
Ask students to think of a place in the number line where the same ab pattern occurs (odd and even numbers)
Ask students to determine whether the math pattern ends after six repetitions (No, continues forever).
Have students recite the series of numbers from 1 to 10. Snap on the odd numbers and pat on the even
Ask students to turn and talk to a partner and discuss how this is similar to the notation pattern at the beginning
of Billy Boy (both have every other item the same: ti-ti ta and odd/even).

Ask students to illustrate this number sequence using objects, lines, or shapes.

5E Lesson Plan

Then have students in small groups create and perform another rhythm that shows the ab pattern.
Have students look at the notation of familiar songs, ask them to identify and perform repeated rhythm patterns
that they find.

Students will have show that they met the objective if they are able to locate, create, label and move to simple
ab rhythm patterns.
Students could also identify other ab patterns in math, such as counting by fives, every other number ends in

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