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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Samantha Pallitto

Date: November 13, 2014
Subject / grade level: 4
Data Tables
Different Living and Non-Living Items
Science Journals
NC SCOS Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives
MS-LS2-3: Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy among living and nonliving parts
of an ecosystem.

Lesson objective(s):
SWBAT differentiate between living and nonliving things
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
Students could work in groups to rotate stations and do research
Items on homework could be differentiated based on levels.


Scientists we have been talking about different ecosystems on Earth. These ecosystems contain things that are
either living or nonliving. I would like you to turn and talk to a partner and make a list of the qualities of living
After students have made lists, have different pairs share their ideas, make a class list on chart paper. Some
examples: need air, needs food/water, reacts to environment/stimuli, moves, can reproduce, etc.
From the class list have students pick 5 characteristics to write on their own charts.

Students will rotate between stations and observe different objects (Rocks, Plant, Candle Flame, Microscope
Station w/ leaf, Mold growing on food, Goldfish, Apple, Seeds)
Students will record on their charts whether the item is living or non-living.
After students are done with stations, students will go to a computer and research which characteristics are the
best indicators of life, and write if these indicators match where they put each item on their data table.

Class will come together for discussion.
Teacher will ask students to share the research they found about the best indicators for living things.

5E Lesson Plan

Ask students how they distinguished the difference between living and non-living things.
Discuss with students how living and non-living things have some similar characteristics, have them make a venn
diagram in their science journals, as you discuss.
Discuss with students that some characteristics of living and non-living things are not easily observable.

After discussing that some characteristics of living and non-living things are similar in some ways, and different in
others, and some of the characteristics are not easy to observe, have students choose one of the non-living
things they observed to write about.
Students will write about why the item they chose could be mistaken for a living thing, using information they
have researched about characteristics of living and non-living things and information that was discussed in class.
Students will also be given a list of 10 items to research for homework, and they must indicate whether it is living
or non-living.

Students will meet the objective if they are able to use characteristics of living and non-living things, and the
similarities and differences in their writings about a non-living thing.
Students will meet the objective if they are able to correctly research and label if the ten items on their homework
are living or non-living.

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