Zoo Planning Web

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Zoo Planning WebFebruary 3 to February 21

Week 1 Focus: Habitats/What Living Things Need to Survive

Week 2 Focus: Mammals and Reptiles
Week 3 Focus: Review/ Omnivores, Carnivores, and Herbivores
Frogs and Lily Pads- Numeral/Quantity Match
Blubber Example
Reptile/Mammal Sort
Habitat Sort
Greater Than/Less Than Alligator
Counting to Find Sums
Animal Patterns- What Comes Next?
Which Animal Doesnt Belong?-Habitats
Which Animal Doesnt Belong?-Reptile/Mammal
Tiger/Zebra/Lizard Marble Stripe Art
Zoo Animal Charades
Zoo Animal Collages
Zoo Animal Puppets
Button Snakes
Feed the Monkey- Beanbag Box Toss
Animal Relay
Outside Time
Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
Animal Letter Wheels
Which Animals Start With the Same Letters?
Habitat Discussion- What Do Living Things Need to Survive?
Animal of the Day
Zoo Bingo
What Does a Zookeeper Do?-Discussion
Social & Affective
Zoo Animal and Zookeeper Dramatic Play Center
Sensory Table- Sand and Animals
Story/Book Time with Discussion
Block Area with Animals
Manipulative Center- Games and Completed Small Group Activities
Reading Area- Zoo Books and Animal Magazines
Art Center- Animal Magazines

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