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Data Sort & Filter- Sort/ Filter/ Advanced filter

Sort Same as MS-Word

Filter is a quick and easy way to find and work with a subset of a data in a database. A filter list displays
only the rows that meet the criteria you specify for a column.
There are two types
1. Autofilter which includes filter by selection for the simple criteria.
2. Advanced filter for more complex criteria
Unlike sorting, filtering does not rearrange a list. Filtering temporarily hides rows you do not want
displayed. When excel filters rows you can edit, format, chart and print your list subset without
rearranging or moving it.

Data Outline - Subtotal

Subtotal Calculates subtotal and grand total values for the labeled columns you select.

The sumif function is used to add up the value in cells in a selected range that meet certain criteria.

Lookup Functions
We can use lookup functions to find specific data or records easily for a large tables or list of data.
There are two types
VLOOKUP stand for vertical lookup - find specific information that is arranged in columns.
Syntax :- =vlookup(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])

THE value to be looked up in the first column of the lookup table


The range that contains the lookup table


The column number within the table from which the matching value is return



HLOOKUP stand for horizontal lookup - find specific information that is arranged in Rows.

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