My Article Written For SPS

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Memories are made of this!

Hello there! Nice seeing you! How do you do?

No, this was not quite an avalanche of questions. It was the normal reaction of .. I think you all
know him, but lets just call him the Manager Kaku since he manages an entire floor of our school
all by himself.
I had completed my elementary, middle and high school from South Point. When the time came for
my son, I was searching (or if you prefer, browsing) far and wide for a school to fit my two
important criteria: Good on Education, Good on Ethics alas! I could find none.
So going by the tradition, I wanted my son to study in the same school I went, hence I got him
admitted to this school.
Just 2 days before the start of a new session, we the parents of new Nursery I admissions, were
summoned by the school for an orientation session.
It was really a walk down the memory lane as, I came back to school after, well, seventeen/eighteen
years (if you count Junior school, it would be even more). Those aisles, balconies, steps,
classrooms....Much to the embarrassment of my wife, I was pointing out, Oh! Look there was our
Class II (I came to Mandeville Gardens in Class II, before that we had our School in Hindustan
Road, that building has now been torn down), Oh! Look there THAT flight of stairs! In short I
was behaving like a chripy, happy and proud five year old.
Then I was not alone, round me there were some other boys and girls who was finding it hard
to keep down their pointing outs. We were all over the place, till Manager Kaku stepped in
Well, have fun guys, but shouldn't you be at the orientation?
Rats! We were late for it, and rushed, and then came the retort Would you like a clip on your
earhole? Shame on you! Running like kids..... , who else than our Manager Kaku!!!
Nothing has changed indeed!!!! He shouted at us when we were kids, he was shouting at us now
when we have, well grown up!!! It is always good to know, that there is someone, to whom we
would always be THOSE kids!!!
To tell the truth, it is really fantastic to be with something, which has played probably a key role in
making of me, what I am now.

Madhyamik 1992
Ucca Madhyamik 1994
Father and guardian of Projjal Talukdar (Transition D - Morning)

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