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Stefanie Haney

Ages 4-5 Preschool

Dramatic Play Checklist
-Are there pictures of boys in the kitchen? Or doing something related feminine Y
-Are there pictures/resources representing girls in a masculine setting? Y
(fire fighter, cop, doctor, construction worker, etc.)
-Are boy and girl dolls present in the play area? Not really. Clothes are for both genders.
-Does Food/Kitchen materials represents different cultures including religions? Not really
-Posters/Wall hangings provided of children of other races. People, yes.
-Dolls/toys use in free play provide different ethnicity traits. Somewhat
-Books express the differences and similarities of all children race, cultures, etc. Some
-Block area people blocks, represents, different race, culture, and differences. No
-Different costumes/dress up clothes from different religions. No
-Books/Reading resources materials represent different areas of religion. No
-Dolls express different religions. No
-Different holiday in religions are presented during the specified time of year. No
holidays at all
-Books, reading materials are age appropriate. Yes
(Posters use words to the specific reading level)
-Toys are not below or above the specific age group. Yes

-Equipment and materials used to the age appropriate size levels. Yes
-Art Work is represented for every child. There has to be more than just one piece of
artwork for them. Yes
I did this checklist at Andrews Angels which is my church, St. Andrew
Presbyterians, preschool. There are two rooms connected by a door which remains open.
There is a rug in front of the calendar and weather for circle time. Around the rug are
shelves with toys, books and teacher supplies. Also in this room are two tables with seven
chairs each. There is a sensory table and more shelves.
The second room has a play kitchen area with food, stove, refrigerator,
microwave, dress-up clothes, baby dolls and a doll house. There is also a goldfish near
here. On the other side of the dramatic play area, is a rug with shelves along it that hold
blocks and other little toys. Next to that area is a table and six chairs with an easel next to
I assessed Andrews Angels on the developmentally appropriateness of the
dramatic play area. I also observed how diverse multiple items were in this area. I noticed
there were multiple areas that could be improved. One being the food, different cultures
were not represented. Another are the dolls, the races and sexes could be better
represented. The dress up clothes do not represent different religions.
I would change this by getting some dress-up clothes that represent other religions
such as a yarmulke or hijab. I would also make sure there were food from other cultures
such as cuisine from Japan, Italy, China and Mexico, from sushi rolls and Italian sausage

to tortilla chips and steamed dumplings. I would make sure the baby dolls were both male
and female as well as different races.

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