Poetry Coteaching

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Poetry Co-Teaching Lesson Plan

Objective: SWBAT write a poem of their choice.

CCCS: W.4.3 - Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey
ideas and information clearly.
W.4.4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
White board
White board markers
Mentor Texts/ Examples
Group Introduction: We will start by discussing what we are doing in this new unit. We
will talk about writing poetry and the difference between Acrostic poems and diamante.
Miss B, will discuss what a acrostic poem is and read an example. Miss M, will discuss
what a diamante poem is and read an example. Then we will have the students turn
and talk and discuss how are they similar and why are they different.
Nicoles Poetry: Acrostic Poem
Ask- Does anyone know what an acrostic poem looks like?
Explain- An acrostic poem has the topic idea running down the side with a different idea
going off of each letter in that topic idea.
Demonstrate- Let me show you some examples. This is an example that I have created.
(Post on board an example I have made)
Now we are going to create one together using the word thankful.
Together as a class we will create an acrostic poem on the whiteboard.
Katies Poetry:
Ask- What a diamante poem is? and how do you create one?
Explain- What each line represents in the poem.
Demonstrate- I will read them my diamante poem about Family.
Together we will- I will have writers think about Thanksgiving and have them think of
adjectives, -ing words, nouns and synonyms all related to thanksgiving and keep them
up on the whiteboard. Then they will create a poem independently.
Diamante poem:
Line 1: Noun or subject - one word
Line 2: Two Adjectives that describe line 1
Line 3: Three 'ing words that describe line 1
Line 4: Four nouns - the first two are connected with line 1; the last two are
connected with line 7
Line 5: Three 'ing words that describe line 7
Line 6: Two adjectives that describe line 7
Line 7: Noun Synonym for the subject

Independent Work: After we go over each type of poem, we will send the writers to
their seats. At their seats they will choice whether they will complete an acrostic poem
or a diamante poem. They will draft the poem in their writer's notebook and will write
their final draft on either a plain sheet of paper, on on the Thanksgiving theme paper we
have provided for them.
Closure: As a closure we will have a few students share the similarities and differences
of acrostic and diamante poem, and why they choose the poem type they did.
Assessment: We will assess students on whether they were able to come up with
ideas for their poems during turn and talk and group share. As well as if they were able
to complete the tasks of creating a thanksgiving themed poem.

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