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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Emily Cooley

Grade and Topic:

Second Grade- Waters States of Matter

Mentor Teacher:

Joey Weaver

Date: 11/23/14
Length of Lesson: 45 Minutes for 2 days

University of Memphis


The Waters States of Matter lesson plan is part of a larger unit covering physical properties of matter as
a whole. Much of physical and chemical science requires an understanding of physical changes that can
take place as conditions such as temperature and pressure change as described in the Tennessee state
science standard 9.0.
Given online resources about the three states of water (ice, liquid water, and steam), the learner will be
able to identify each state as solid, liquid, or gas with 100% accuracy.

Given online resources about the three states of water (ice, liquid water, and steam), the learner will be able to
identify the melting point and boiling point of water in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit with 100% accuracy.
Given a computer and Kidspiration software, the learner will create a concept map describing all three of waters
physical states with a 11/12 on the rubric.

TN state standard for science: GLE 0207.9.2 Investigate how temperature changes affect the state of

ISTE standard 3. Research and information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media
e. Process data and report results

Materials used:
Internet access to:,-solidgas.aspx
Kidspiration Software
States of Water Handout


Technology Integration:
Students will use the websites listed above to research water and how it changes between its solid, liquid, and
gaseous forms. Students will participate in interactive activities on two of the sites listed to apply the knowledge they
are gathering. They will also create a concept map using the Kidspiration software to organize what they have learned
about waters different states. These concept maps will be submitted to a class Dropbox folder. Finally, they will use
their resources to complete an open note quiz via Google Forms, which will be submitted to the teacher as a formal
assessment. A student sample of the concept map is available separately.


Students will learn that water can exist as a solid, liquid, and gas. They will learn the conditions
required for water to change states.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600
This lesson is a continuation of TN science standard 9.0 and builds on previous knowledge of matter and
its physical characteristics.
From this lesson, we can expound on other substances states of matter and how these substances can
interact with each other from a chemistry perspective.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.
Introduction: I will begin the lesson with a glass of ice, a glass of tap water, and a glass of steaming hot
water. We will discuss the physical properties of each phase of water and hypothesize on what
conditions are required to create each of them.
Prior to Computer (5 minutes):
Teacher Instructions
1. After the introduction, distribute the study
guide handout and instruction sheet for the
activities. Instruct students to each get a
laptop and headphones and return to their
Research (30 minutes):
Teacher Instructions
1. Have students open their internet browsers
and instruct them to go through all the
websites as indicated on their activity
instruction handout. Remind them to use
headphones so others are not disturbed once
students reach audio activities.
2. Instruct students to fill out their study guides
as they gather information from their

Student Instructions
1. Get all materials needed: laptop,
headphones, pencil, and handouts

Student Instructions
1. Use the websites provided to research
waters phases.
2. Fill out the study guide as you collect
3. Cite which website you used to find your
answer by writing the number that
corresponds to each site on the instruction
4. Be sure to complete all the interactive
activities (using your headphones) as you
encounter them on the sites.

Application (30 minutes):

Teacher Instructions
1. Instruct students to close their internet browsers and open the Kidspiration software.
2. Instruct students to create a concept map of their choice to help them organize all the information they have
gathered about water and its three states.
3. Assist with concept maps as needed.
4. Have students save their work and submit it to the Dropbox folder.

Student Instructions
1. Use prior knowledge of Kidspiration software to choose an appropriate concept map format.
2. Create a concept map using the information gathered on the study guide.
3. Submit your concept map to the dropbox
Assessment (25 minutes):
Teacher Instructions
1. Provide link to finished Google Forms quiz,
Waters States of Matter.
2. Instruct students to use their notes to answer
the questions with short answer responses.
3. Remind students to type their name in the
appropriate answer box so answers wont be
4. Collect answers in the automatically created
excel sheet

Student Instructions
1. Go to the link provided to complete the
Waters States of Matter Quiz.
2. Use your study guide handout to answer the
3. Submit answers when finished.
4. Put away computer and headphones

Closure: After the technology is put away, discuss together what the students learned in their research.
Ask questions like what new things did you learn today? and how is this information important to
you? Let the students keep their study guides. There is nothing to collect, as it was all submitted

See attached copy of Google Forms quiz
Rubric for concept map:
Identified all phases
of water

Identified points of

Clarity and neatness

Grammar and unit


Poor (1 point)
Mentions only one
phase of water

Good (2 points)
Mentions 2 phases of

No mention of points
of change/ both points
of change were
Concept map follows
now clear logical
labeling errors

Accurately identified
only one point of
Concept map is
coherent, but not well
A few
labeling errors

Excellent (3 points)
Mentions all three
phases of water (ice,
liquid water, and
Accurately identified
both points of change
(melting and boiling
Concept map flows
logically and is well
No grammatical errors.
All units are properly






I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

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