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EndNote Basic (M)


Getting Started
Install Software
EndNote may be downloaded from UAB IT software at http://www.uab.edu/it/software.

Create Library
EndNote creates a new library the first time the program is opened.

Collecting References
Online Search
Online search is used to add references to the library through the connection files in EndNote.
Connect to the resource and perform a search within EndNote.
Online search is used to search library catalogs. The connection files available include Sterne
Library, Lister Hill Library, and Library of Congress. Although connection files are available
for library databases, they should not be used except to search PubMed for known items.
Integrated Library and Online Search Mode

Downloads the results into the permanent library.

Items not of interest are deleted from the permanent library.

Online Search Mode

Downloads the results into a temporary library.

Items of interest are selected and copied to the permanent library.


1. Select the search mode in the toolbar.

Fall 2014

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2. Display the tools menu and select online search.

3. Select U Alabama-Birmingham as the connection file and click on the choose button.

4. Enter the terms into the online search tab and click on the search button.

5. Specify the number of references to retrieve and click on the OK button.

6. Find the references in the online search group.


7. Select the references to delete and control click to move to the trash group.

8. Click on the local library mode button in the toolbar.

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9. Find the references in the unfiled group.


7. Select the references to keep and click on the copy to local library button in the toolbar.

8. Click on the local library mode button in the toolbar.

9. Find the references in the copied references group.

Direct Export
Direct export is used to add references to the library through the direct export feature of the web
browser. Perform a search in the resource and export to EndNote.
Direct export is used to search library databases. The steps vary depending on the database and
the web browser.

Perform a search and select the items to export.

Determine if a list or folder is used for selected items.
Choose as method the option to export, download, send to, or save.
Choose as format the option for EndNote, RIS, citation manager, or bibliographic
management software.

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Mozilla Firefox [supported] Select open file with and choose EndNote as application.

Apple Safari Drag file from downloads onto EndNote in dock and select library or open
file in downloads and select EndNote as application.

Google Chrome Find downloaded file and select open.


1. Enter terms into the box and click on the search button.

2. On the results page, click on the add to folder icon next to each item to be exported.

3. Click on the folder icon at the top of the page to open the folder with the selected items.
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4. In the folder, select all items and click on the export button.

5. Select direct export in RIS format and click on the save button.

6. Open the file if required by the web browser.

7. In EndNote, find the references in the imported references group.

1. Enter terms into the box and click on the search button.

2. On the results page, check the box next to each item to be exported.

3. Click on the send to icon.

4. Select citation manager as the destination and click on the create file button.
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5. Open the file if required by the web browser.

6. In EndNote, find the references in the imported references group.

Import is used to add references to the library through the filters in EndNote. Import the file and
select the matching filter.
Import is used to collect references from library databases when it is not possible to directly
export them to EndNote and to create references from PDF files with metadata.
1. Display the file menu and select import.

2. Locate the file on the computer, select the matching filter, and click on the import button.

3. Find the references in the imported references group.

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New Reference
New reference is used to manually add references to the library through the creation of a record
in EndNote. Select the reference type and enter the information in the available fields.
1. Click on the new reference button in the toolbar.

2. Select the reference type.

3. Enter the information in the fields.

Finding Full Text for References

Set Preferences
EndNote requires that preferences be set prior to executing the find full text command.
1. Display the EndNote menu and select preferences.

2. Click on find full text in the preferences menu.

3. Check all four boxes to select the technologies used to find full text.

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4. Enter the first setting to access full text through the UAB libraries.

5. Enter the second setting to access full text through the UAB libraries from off campus.

Find Full Text

EndNote provides the ability to search for the full text of references in the library.
EndNote is able to retrieve full text for articles in electronic journals but is unable to retrieve full
text for articles in databases available through the UAB libraries.
1. Select the references to search for full text.

2. Click on the find full text button in the toolbar.

3. Find the results in the find full text group. If a match is found then the PDF file is
attached to the reference.

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4. Select the reference and display the references menu then file attachments then open with
preview to view the full text.

Attach Full Text

Full text that EndNote is unable to find may be manually attached to the reference.
1. Save the PDF file on the computer.
2. Select the reference to attach the full text.

3. Click on the paper clip icon, select attach PDF, and locate the file on the computer.

Organizing References
Permanent Groups
Permanent groups are automatically generated by the program and may not be changed.
All references displays all references in the library.
Unfiled displays references that do not belong to a group.
Trash displays references that have been removed from the library.

Temporary Groups
Temporary groups are automatically generated by the program as commands are executed and
may not be changed. The contents of the groups are replaced each time commands are executed
and the groups are deleted when the library is closed.
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Custom Groups
Custom groups are manually created by the user to help organize references in the library. The
maximum number of custom groups is 5,000 per library.
1. Display the groups menu and select create group.

2. Enter the name for the group.


1. Select the references to add to the group.

2. Drag and drop the references onto the group name or display the groups menu and select
add references to and click on the group name.

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Group Sets
Group sets are manually created by the user to help organize groups in the library. Group sets
are headings above groups. The maximum number of group sets is 5,000 per library.
1. Display the groups menu and select create group set.

2. Enter the name for the group set.

3. Control click on the group set to create groups or drag and drop existing groups.

Formatting References
Preview displays the selected reference formatted in the output style specified in EndNote.
1. Select the reference to preview.

2. Select the output style using the menu below the reference box.

3. View the preview below the output style menu.

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Bibliography creates a bibliography formatted in the output style specified in EndNote.
1. Select the references to include in the bibliography.

2. Select the output style using the menu below the reference box.

3. Display the edit menu and select copy formatted to copy to the clipboard.

4. Paste the formatted references.

Cite While You Write

Cite While You Write installs an EndNote toolbar and menu in Microsoft Word. It is used
to cite sources while writing a paper by automatically generating formatted citations and
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bibliographies based on the rules of the selected output style. It is compatible with Word 2008
or newer and Apple Pages 09.

Using Cite While You Write with Microsoft Word

Style is used to specify the citation style in a Word document. The citation style options are
imported from the default or customized output style list. To select a style not displayed in the
list, click on select another style.

Bibliography is used to format a bibliography in a Word document. To view the options, display
the bibliography menu and select configure bibliography.

The layout option is used for font face and size, title, numbering, indenting, and spacing.

Insert Citation
Insert citation is used to find a reference in the EndNote library and insert the citation into a
Word document. The citation appears at the cursor location and is formatted according to the
selected output style. The reference information is automatically added to the bibliography.
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1. Place the cursor in the location where the in-text citation should appear in the document.

2. Click on the insert citation button.

3. Enter terms to match the reference in the search box and press the return key.

4. Select the reference and click on the insert button.

5. Check the citation and reference for any errors that need to be edited.

Insert options may be selected by clicking on the down arrow of the insert button. The option
has no effect if it violates the rules of the citation style.

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Multiple references may be inserted as a citation group by selecting each additional reference
while holding down the command key.

References may be inserted as a footnote by using Word to insert the number then using
EndNote to insert the citation.

Edit Citation
Edit citation is used to change the formatting for the citation after the citation has been inserted,
add or remove a citation, and change the order of citations in a group.
1. Place the cursor in the location of the in-text citation in the document.

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2. Display the citations menu and select edit and manage citation.

3. Use the edit reference menu to remove or insert a citation and to change the order of
citations in a group. The option has no effect if it violates the rules of the citation style.

4. Use the edit citation menu to change the formatting for the citation, add or remove
information before or after the citation, and insert or delete page numbers in the citation.
The option has no effect if it violates the rules of the citation style.

Edit Reference
Edit reference is used to edit a reference in the EndNote library and to update the reference in the
Word document.
1. Identify the reference that needs to be edited in the document.

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2. Place the cursor in the citation that matches the reference to be edited.

3. Display the tools menu and select edit library reference.

4. Edit the reference in the EndNote library.

5. Display the file menu and select close reference.

6. Click on the return to word processor button in the toolbar.

7. Display the bibliography menu and select update citations and bibliography.

8. Check the reference for the correction.

Customizing Managers
Customize Manager
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Managers may be customized for output styles, import filters, and connection files by selecting
defaults or favorites.
1. Display the edit menu and select output styles then open style manager.

2. Select unmark all from the mark menu.

3. Check the box to select the default output style.

4. Display the file menu and select close style manager.

Getting Help
Sterne Library


Reference Librarian
Jennifer Long

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Sterne Library 157C


(205) 934-6364

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