When Your Fav Approach Does Not Work Edition3

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Shilpa Bhouraskar

The Quest For Simillimum EBook


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work. Copyright 2014 by Shilpa
Bhouraskar . All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For
information, address Shilpa Bhouraskar, 34 Auld Avenue, Eastwood, NSW
2122, Australia.
The Quest For Simillimum Shilpa Bhouraskar.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The Story of the Stages ........................................................5
Chapter 2 - The Evolution of Homeopathy in Stages ...............................9
Stage 1.................................................................................................9
Stage 2.................................................................................................9
Stage 3...............................................................................................10
Stage 4...............................................................................................11
Comparison of stages.........................................................................13
Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum.................................................15
Confirm your prescription through all the four stages........................15
A case example incorporating all stages............................................16
Case analysis.....................................................................................24
Follow up............................................................................................31
When you have to limit working at just one stage..............................34
Case example of working at one stage..............................................34
Case analysis.....................................................................................35
Follow up............................................................................................38
Chapter 4 - Road blocks to Simillimum.................................................. 39
The Secret to a Successful Practice in Homoeopathy.......................39
Road Blocks to the Simillimum...........................................................40

Chapter 5- The Stages Template .......................................................... 45

Pre-requisites before using the Stages Template..............................45
The Essential Components of the Stages Template..........................46
Chapter 6-The Blue Print for A Successful Homoeopathic Practice .....51
Stages Template Blue Print Application in Clinical Practice...........51
Application of the Stages Template - The Difference it Made............54
Chapter 7 Conclusion and What Next?............................................... 57
How the Stages concept changed my Homoeopathy........................57
Homoeopathy Network.......................................................................58
I would love to keep in touch with you!...............................................58

Dedicated to my Teachers and Students.


hen I received my homeopathic medical training in India, I was

privileged to learn homeopathy from some of the best teachers in our
medical school itself.

Our hospital had 20 odd out patient departments running full strength with
hundreds of patients on an hourly basis.
We had practitioners working on everything from pure therapeutics to uses of
Boenninghausen's, Boger's and Kentian style as well as Sankaran with his new
concept of disease as a delusion.
In the clinics we students and interns took the initial cases, repertorised every
case diligently, and came up with the diagnostic totality, the miasmatic totality
as well as the homeopathic totality. The supervisor then picked one remedy
based on his style and approach. The surprising and confusing fact was all these
methods worked pretty well.
After graduation, I was influenced by the works of other modern homeopaths
such as Jan Scholten, who introduced the mineral kingdom classification and its
application in homeopathy.
Most homoeopaths chose a style which suited their needs and worked along,
however I didn't want to choose. I wanted to understand all these tools and use
them as and when required. I wanted a way of individualizing the approach to
suit my patients needs instead of moulding him or her to my style of practice.
My own way suited me fine until I started working as a clinical supervisor for
student homeopaths after moving to Sydney.

When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

I wanted to give them an experience similar to that I had as a student in India. I

was acutely aware that I don't mould them into my way of practising
homeopathy or any one particular way of working a case. I wanted them to be
exposed to different ways of approaching a case and eventually find their own
However that was a major obstacle. In spite of some excellent theory knowledge
provided by experienced teachers here and a good bunch of hardworking and
passionate students graduating, very few actually felt they could ever practice in
real life because of very little real life exposure to practical homeopathy at
various levels.
I recalled the infrastructure just after graduation. Like every other graduate, I
was both confused and overwhelmed. However in India we had homeopaths
with decades of experience and gems of wisdom to tap into. There were choices.
I could work at my college hospital or even in any private homeopathic practice.
Additionally there were hundreds of seminars and workshops all through the
year by different types of homeopaths on various strategies. There were free
clinics and charitable trusts where you could work and practice your basic skills
under supervision.
And personally the most important factor was that after I had started my own
clinic and made many mistakes, I always knew where to find the answers. I had
the choice to retake the case using solutions from my discussion group or in
some cases make a referral to a senior homeopath and observe the case being
retaken for one session and follow up again in my own practice.
This huge self-sustaining network actually worked to create a prominent place
for homeopathy in the healthcare system.
That was the vision that I wanted to create here. I wanted to offer students
different ways and styles to freely choose from and grow from there.
So initially I decided to just prepare a structured format of my understanding of
different styles and approaches in homeopathy. I researched all the successful
strategies and approaches right from Hahnemanians discovery of homeopathy
to the present day. I realised that both the classical and non-classical strategies
work in different situations and at different times.
In light of this, I classified them into four stages based on the time evolution of
homeopathy itself.
This is what I call the Stages Concept.

Chapter 1 - The Story of the Stages

Having been already exposed to a variety of homoeopathic methods, strategies

and approaches during my student days practicing with consultants at the
college hospital, it made things easier.
Slowly I made a connection between the homeopathic evolution in stages and
the depth of disease, remedy and miasmatic understanding in its entirety.
This actually changed the way I looked at homeopathy and the way I
approached my cases.
I was quickly able to recognise at what stage a practitioner was working at. At
what stage were their favourite approaches at. Similarly I could find at what
stage, a patient was most comfortable at. And more importantly how to adapt
my first approach to their stage.
I managed to use this Stages concept as a GPS in my practice.
The Stages Concept became an extremely useful template for students and other
practitioners to follow during the entire case management process as well.
Similar to a GPS, it tells you where to start and where to go right before you take
a case. During the case taking process and at every stage of the case, it makes
you aware of where you are. If you can't go further, you know where you have
stopped and what exact information is available. Now you can just choose the
appropriate resources, determine the prescription and still provide good
homeopathy to the patient's satisfaction.
When I eventually started my mentoring group, this format helped us in
multiple ways. The entire spectrum of different ways of practising homeopathy
was accessible at the same time.
We realised that no case is incomplete or imperfect. A homeopath could take a
case at any stage and still be able to confidently and effectively help the patient
to a certain extent provided he or she knew what to do with that information.
We could meet, discuss and understand the expectations of our clients within
the scope of homeopathy and simply choose an approach to match their needs.
It also helped diffuse internal turmoil about which approach was better between
different schools of thought.
We could discuss and emphasise and recognise skills within ourselves and
others with respect to a choice of strategy.

When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Thus the mentoring group provided an excellent supportive network to grow

together as homeopaths.
Although this started as a project to help beginner homeopaths, I realised that it
helped me grow as a person and a practitioner. So I think no matter how new or
experienced you are, it will provide you with some insight into what
homeopathy is all about. For me personally, I learned a lot, it widened my
horizons and I am able see why and how homeopathy can be so different but
still be the same at the same time, why nothing is right or wrong but what works
or doesnt for each of us and our patients.
Frustrations can emerge when the homeopath is too enthusiastic and tries to
take a case for two hours but the patient is not so sure and becomes
overwhelmed and leaves therapy.
It is realising how you can only help them as much as they want to be helped
and, most importantly, I learned to respect my clients for the choices they made.
It is also about understanding our own limitations as practitioners and being
able to refer our patients to homeopaths better skilled in a particular strategy
suited for the patient.
This is the best way we could give our clients the best potential homeopathy has
to offer.
The whole idea is to provide some food for thought and possibly encourage
homeopaths to tap into the entire potential of homeopathy rather than being
fixed on one particular approach or strategy while still maintaining their own
individual style at most times.
This book will provide an insight into this format and the way you can adopt
the Stages Concept in your practice with case examples.



Stage 1

his was initially how Hahnemann discovered homoeopathy.He had

learned first hand that Cinchona had been used to treat intermittent
fevers. He then observed that Cinchona bark produced fever with chills.
This was similar to the symptom of intermittent fevers. This was the Law of
Similars at work.
This model is similar to the allopathic way of using homoeopathic remedies
where medicines are chosen on the basis of the name of a disease or a disease

Stage 2
Very soon he realised the name isn't important and any fever with symptoms
similar to those produced by Cinchona irrespective of the diagnosis can be
treated with Cinchona bark.
Understanding the specific Cinchona fever led to this breakthrough.
And this is where the evolution began.
This is a model similar to using homoeopathic remedies for local particular
symptoms very closely related to patho-physiology, eg using medicines based on
common and peculiar disease symptoms.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Stage 3
Eventually, practitioners realised that differentiating the different types of fevers
in patients was necessary to determine which would benefit from Cinchona.
It was then seen that differentiation of two similar diseases in different people
was possible based on symptoms that belonged to the person and not disease.
This was the dawn of person specific treatment, the striking advantage of
homoeopathy over conventional medicine.
The model of using physical and mental generals and PQRS symptoms related
to the man and not just related to the disease itself developed.
This has been and is the most popular and widely used model in homeopathy.
Even though Hahnemann was the first homeopath to discover this stage in
homeopathy, the two major influences that revolutionised this stage were
Boenninghausen and Kent.
Both of them spoke about the same fundamental concept - the individual comes
before the disease - but expressed that in a variety of different ways. It is largely
a matter of understanding the symptoms of the man (his physical, mental,
general and constitutional symptoms) beyond just his disease symptoms that
helps in individualising two individuals suffering from a similar disease.
Boenninghausen identified the concomitants as an expression of individuality in
a case, while Kent proposed a pyramid or hierarchy of symptoms with mental
symptoms being the most important at the apex and the physical symptoms at
the bottom. Patients were being understood as personalities with different
constitutional traits, which gave rise to understanding of remedies as drug
pictures and essences. Now it was not enough to know the local symptoms of
Cinchona, an understanding of the individual personality and constitution of
Cinchona was required.
It was Kentian homeopathy that remained popular throughout history and
strongly influenced the way homeopathy is practised even today in most parts of
the world. It was also known as classical homeopathy or constitutional
Some later Kentian homeopaths have fine tuned the understanding of man and
his constitution in light of current new discoveries and concepts, eg Fransisco
Eizayaga uses the knowledge of genetics in his Treatise to Homeopathic
Medicine when explaining the characterological symptoms. Dr Praful Vijaykar

Chapter 2 - The Evolution of Homeopathy in Stages


applies the genetic makeup of a patient while understanding the genetic

constitutional simillimum. Dr Sankaran uses the concepts of psychology in
understanding the constitution in his book Spirit of Homoeopathy.

Stage 4
Stage 4 is where the latest developments of homeopathy have evolved today
beyond the so-called Hahnemannian homeopathy methods.
Homeopathy believes disease to be a disturbance in the vital force, but it
requires this to be expressed initially as constitutional traits and then disease
signs and symptoms in order to treat them traditionally.
Stage 4 is trying to finding the disturbance of vital force itself at its core, before
it is expressed as symptoms.
This case taking process has been revolutionised by Dr. Rajan Sankaran and he
calls it the understanding of the Vital Sensation.
Here it is no longer about mind or body symptoms but core expressions,
sensations and energetic patterns equally expressed at both levels somewhere
where the body and mind meet. Here the attempt is to get at the root of the
patient's vitality and existence. It is the closest expression of the disturbed vital
force or the energy.
This is disease expression never assessed before in Hahnemannian
homoeopathy, a level beyond the man and his constitution.
So it is about understanding the vital sensation and energetic disturbance of
China as a remedy. The experience beyond the mental and physical symptoms
of China. Again this is something that has never been assessed before in a
Sankaran stumbled across this while trying to find the common themes of plant
remedies in the same family.
The kingdom analysis is not new in Homoeopathy. It is one of the newer ways
of understanding the common mental and physical symptoms of remedies in a
particular kingdoms or subkingdoms and then prescribing based on those
common themes. It has been developed by homeopaths such as Jan Scholten,
Massimo Mangialavori and Sankaran.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

However it was Sankaran who actually took the understanding of kingdom

analysis further to reach a common deeper level of eliciting the sensations
beyond symptoms.
Another homeopath, Irene Schlingensiepen Brysch in her book 'The Source of
Homeopathy' fine tunes this stage further. She goes beyond the understanding
of the sensation during the case taking process until she dives into the very
source structure of an individual itself. It is an attempt to understand not just
the sensation but the very source of 'China the substance ' within a patient.
Thus Stage 4 homeopathy is this fascinating process of eliciting and connecting
the source within an individual to the source of the remedy itself.

Throughout history since Hahnemann discovered homeopathy, every new idea
brought along with it endless scepticism from the medical world as well as from
homeopaths themselves.
However what is fascinating about homeopathy is that through its evolution at
every stage, you have different methods or strategies being developed
sequentially. At every stage, you are one step nearer to understanding the core
disturbance of an individual. You can trace the entire dis-ease in its totality. It is
taking a journey towards the inner core of man himself and his disturbed

Comparison of stages
Using the remedy China Officinalis as an example.
Disease in Individual
Stage 1

Stage 2

Individual in Disease
Stage 3

Stage 4

Disease diagnosis

Disease particular symptoms General symptoms and

(common and PQRS)
constitutional traits
(common and PQRS)

Vital sensation, source and


Malaria fever

China fever

China constitution

China Sensation

Malaria is characterised
clinically by fever (usually
periodic), varying degrees of
enlargement, and a range of
syndromes resulting from the
pathological involvement of
certain organs, including the
brain, liver and kidneys.

Symptoms include periodic

fever well marked paroxysms,
shuddering chills from every
cold hands and feet, hot face,
profuse sweat, etc.

People who were once stout,

healthy, remarkably active
and industrious become
broken down by exhausting
discharges and suffer pale
face, sunken eyes, over
sensitivity to touch, pain,
draft of air.
Suffer show physically great
prostration and become
mentally apathetic,dull,
indifferent, etc.

Over stimulation which

aggravates mentally and
physically, eg desires
stimulants, ideas, plans, etc.
but is stuck in a position
where he can't fulfil any of
these desires and faces attacks
from time to time.


Confirm your prescription through all the four

esearch and experience both show the accuracy of prescription and

possibility of finding the Simillimum increases as you elicit the disease
expression at all stages. However the most amazing cures result when
you match the case through its evolution to the remedy understanding and its
corresponding evolution. Most successful homeopaths acknowledge this fact
from experience.
Kent mentions this in his articles on treating pathological diseases with
homeopathy and discusses how the constitutional remedy (Stage 3) needs to
cover the pathology (Stage 1).
Eizayaga talks about this in explaining his triangle and incorporating the
Lesional layer ( Stage 1 and 2), Fundamental layer (Stage 3) and Constitutional
layer (Stage 3) when prescribing the simillimum.
Sankaran in the Sensation Method talks about the knowledge of levels and
disease understanding. He explains how he has had the most success when he
enters a case from Chief complaint (Stage 1) to reach the level of Sensation,
Energy (Stage 4) and beyond.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Thus incorporating all stages in your understanding helps multiple

confirmations of your remedy and cures are more consistent, rather than
sporadic miracle cures.

A case example incorporating all stages

Case taking
Female 62 years. Came to the student clinic.

Information collected by the student

This intake basically provided information at Stage 1 and 2, with some Stage 3
information as well.
The patient presented with psoriasis she had for the last six years on the left side
of her scalp, spreading to forehead and left arm. She experienced extreme
itching and tightness, constant shedding of dandruff-like particles.
Her symptoms were aggravated by stress, and were worse during winter and
very hot summer days. She avoids dark clothes.
Past History

Consistently painful menses since puberty.

Endometriosis and back ache.

PMS -Irritable but didn't express it, contained it within.

Extremely anaemic in pre-teen and early teen years.

Fungal infection of toes in her 30s.

At 40, hormonal treatment for endometriosis.


Psoriasis of scalp, treated with tar shampoo. But took pulsatilla, which
cleared it as well as the sinusitis.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


Since menopause hypertension and hyperlipedemia. Allopathic


Current situation

Extremely responsible at work. Duty conscious, moral and very particular about
being tidy. Dreams of being persecuted, which she related to her strict Catholic
She was prescribed a few remedies such as Kali brom 200 and then Carcinocin
200, which didn't do much and the psoriasis continued to spread.

Information from questionnaire

This completed the information at Stage 3.
Physical generals

Flatulence when I eat a lot of yogurt

Craving salt, cheese, yogurt

Aversion fatty rich food, sweets

Aversion to drafts.

Loves open air

Perspiration feet, stains clothing

Menses heavy painful, with bloating and headache.

Upsetting moments/situations in patient's own words:

I had a good relationship with my sister, especially long distance,

she lives on her own and can't tolerate people around her for a long
period of time. When she comes to Sydney, she likes to go off on her
own, but loves to be part of us as well. Sometimes she goes ballistic
and you just want to run away. It doesn't happen often anymore, as
she lives in Europe.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Shocked when my sister in law said not to want to see me, as she
didn't like family. I felt hurt at the time, but since then have become
very indifferent. I still do the right thing by her, but if I don't see her
ever again, that's fine by me. She lives in Sydney and since her
husband died, she does want to see us.
I was shocked, numbed with disbelief of the way my daughter
treated me as past my use by date seven years ago; I cried often when
at home, but just kept quiet within myself, I did talk to my husband
a lot, he tried to help, but though he had a good relationship with
our daughter, he had not connected with her like I did. I was
depressed, but did not take medication.
Nine years ago I worked for a boss that didn't like me. I sometimes
felt she would like to stick a knife in me and I did try to get another
job at the time, but without success. It was stressful and I talked a lot
about my woes at home. I changed and kept telling myself I really
liked her and she was a great person. When I finally left this
employer for a part time job, we parted as friends.
As a migrant, I have always had to rely on myself, having no
relatives as a support, this has been stressful in the past when
decisions had to be made, hoping that the right one were taken. All
my family lives overseas.


As a child/teenager, I used to dream I was persecuted, which was

very frightening, they did subside when I married and became a
quieter sleeper, my sleepwalking disappeared as well, thanks to my
husband. I still remember having to run and keep running from I
still do not know whom, till I woke up.
I dream of work and wake up in panic about things or jobs I had
forgotten to do at work. In reality I am extremely diligent. The fear
is very real, like if I get caught, my life will be over! It has had no
association with my real life.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum



I wish I had plenty of money to travel first class or business class to

Europe and USA so I can visit my family regularly, I miss them a
Although I could have prescribed based on this information, I asked her if she
wanted to go a bit further to confirm the prescription and increase the accuracy
of understanding her case. She agreed, and I took the interview to Stage 4 - the
sensation method.

Interview at Stage 4
This is in a question and answer format in the patient's her own words. My
comments and thought process are in italics.
How are you doing?

I have decided to stop paid work because its too much. I dream a
lot about work, keep everything going. The sessions in the clinic
have made me focus on myself, I have never allowed myself to focus
on myself. Always been hurried through life. Its a crazy life I am
leading. Lots of dreams of work. I wake up in the middle of night
and I dreamt of things that did not happen at work.
In what way?

Panic and chaotic. No assistance to help me. Mind was spinning. I

was doing things I normally don't have to do as a part of my work.
They are giving me more and more responsibilities thinking she is
easy and can do it. They make you run.

She is talking at the emotional level. Her state is quite compensated. This
suggests what potency I have to give her, i.e. 200. To enter her case, I decide to
start with the chief complaint, which is Level 1.
When did the psoriasis flare up?

It was six years back when daughter packed and left for US. I don't
have support network.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

I said don't marry, you will be stuck but she married within two

What did you feel?

(emotional level)
I felt betrayed. We were good friends. We had a harmonious
family. Husband is more easy going, I may be more radical. He
evens and balances out. We said all right its her life. Then she asked
me to arrange her wedding in Sydney for her friends. I did organise
it, but she totally ignored me. Used us as her parents. We didn't
leave on a very nice footing. It felt as if punched in the stomach by
someone I loved and cherished. The gloom lasted for two and a half
years. I cried a lot. I am not the one who normally cries. I don't have
family around.
Talk about that?

When children grow up, they need guidance from someone who
has been through that, its easier to make a decision, easier if you
share responsibility in decision making, e.g. if your kids are sick,
they might say its ok its just chicken pox. Or in my case my son is
hyperactive. I would want to discuss with people who have that
experience. Its a big responsibility to bring up that child, educate
and help him live in this world.
He is now a very responsible and balanced person. He is the one
who is easy and daughter was difficult.
Responsibility is important and instilled in me since childhood.
Must do this must do that. So now even though I wanted to
continue working till end of the year, I let go. I am happy I made
that decision.
Even with daughter I wanted people to help me find a path.
You do bring up kids to eventually lose them, but I was opposed to
the way we were in no uncertain terms. As if we were past due date.
No longer necessary, unimportant, don't exist for her. Don't need
you. No communication possible.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


As we moved a lot after my birth in South America- to Holland,

South Africa, I became quite self reliant.
You don't winge and get things moving, Sort everything yourself.
Become independent personally and financially.

We see that family is important and that she needs people around. If she loses
them, it upsets her, but she has compensated by becoming sefl-reliant and
independent. This is still her emotional level.
However she mentions responsibility often and I need to understand what it
means to her.
Talk about responsibility?

I have dreams of responsibility. Panic fear as if not done my duty,

ashamed. I was responsible for running the place (at her work
place). People expect me to do it. Always been like that. They
control, and I try to give my best and give 100% because I think I
can but at my health's detriment. I could not get out because I had
to get that centre going. Its not my home. I tried to do it at home.
When I was caring for people, realised life is valuable and you do the
best for them. Heightened my responsibility towards work. They
shouldn't die during what you administer them so I changed my job
from that situation. It would be terrible if they die. You have to do
the right thing.

This connects with the dreams she had as a child. Catholic upbringing of doing
the right thing.
I have been given a set of rules or life planned for me, and you try
and do the best of your abilities. Doing everything correctly and not
making mistakes.
Thus responsibility is needing to care for people at home or work or else she
feels extremely guilty as if she has done wrong. This is again the emotional level.
So now I use another point of entry to get to a deeper level.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

What are your hobbies and interests?

I love perfumes. I did aromatherapy and Swedish massage at

In hobbies I like embroidery, creating something from nothing, e.g.
needle work, something really nice.
I love gardening, plants, herbs. I cook with fresh herbs.
I love to see things grow.
Plant and nurture them. Fertilize them right, mulching.
I may have been a farmer in former life. I love to work with nature.
So healing to work with nature, smells, colours.
Because animals and plants are unconditional. They give back so
You don't have to give something to receive something.
With people I find you need to give more. They expect a lot out of
I listen to people complain, and if you want to complain they don't
listen. And the ones that are true friends always seem to be leaving.
Its disappointing but I pack and leave so often you get used to
saying goodbye.

This was the turning point of the case for me; it was a deeper connection
between all situations in her life - the daughter's incident and moving and
leaving family as a child, work, etc. all together from a completely unrelated
situation and this is the connection of the case. When you reach this point,
everything just flows beautifully and you don't need to ask a lot of questions.
I love to cook and go out of my way when I have friends coming
But I would love to be able to do it with my family, mum and dad.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


I should have been brought up in an Italian family. The unit of an

extended family.
Togetherness and exuberance.
It gives me great pleasure, nice food, happy company, which I have
to create with strangers. I had a huge extended family. I talk to my
sister, what do you think, take other's point of view.
I want to create that family with my grandchildren and its just not
I don't hate her but I am removed.' I don't care attitude' in order to
not get hurt anymore.

She is talking about her daughter.

She is not going to affect me anymore. You don't get involved
because you don't want to go through that feeling of darkness. No
emotion is there. Initially anger, now I don't care.
This denotes the miasm because it is the reaction to a situation i.e.
acceptance and avoidance - could be sycosis.
Once with my son's condition during one of the bleak times, there
was an aura of vibration all around me. Enveloped me in love. I felt
he will be alright and nothing will happen to him anymore.
I tried to get it back through Reiki and meditation, but it never
came back.

This is the energy of her case

Talk about that?

Exceptional love.
Change in my life.
I don't become frightened of death anymore because there is
something wonderful outside this world.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Extremely happy. As if all the care in the world taken away It was
just letting everything go, about my son. (He was 20 then.) Letting
go of the responsibility.
I was in a cocoon. The experience left very slowly. It was caring
warmth floating light like an angel that can help.

What is the opposite feeling?

This will explain the polarity of the sensation.

Aloneness. Responsibility you have to shoulder alone. Thinking of
answers to a problem all on your own, duties to make him a well
balanced individual. In a greater extended family you can rely on
others; family takes part in your growing up.
Thanks to homeopathy I have been able to make a clear decision.
We were away from all that.

Case analysis
At Stage 4 - Sankaran's Sensation Method
The problem has to do with structure. She needs relationships, a unit of friends,
family. Any stress is related to losing this structure. This is the Mineral
What relationships provide her is love, care, nourishment and a sense of
These are themes of Row 3.
Other themes in Row 3 are a strong sense of right and wrong, morality, issues of
trust, being conscious of appearance and extreme sense of being forsaken, etc.
What is the other part of the sensation? There is a sense of being let down or
betrayed and having no relationship or structure whatsoever.
These are Column 1 and 17 themes within Row 3.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


So the remedy is Natrum Mur.

The Natrum Mur Sensation

Disappointed by relations, friends, family whom they trust, love and depend on
No one to care for and love unconditionally.

Illustration 1: Sankaran Analysis using the HomeoQuest Software

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


Sankaran's miasmatic analysis

This is a situation where she is acutely disappointed and betrayed periodically,
but she has just accepted it. 'I don't care attitude.
Malarial miasm between Sycosis and Acute.
Being stuck in a situation of dependence and suffering acute periodic attacks
(disappointments, recurrences, etc).

At Stage 3 - Kentian analysis

Totality of her case

Disappointment and unhappy love.

Silent grief

Extreme responsibility

Anxiety conscience of, guilty


Fear persecution.

Aversion fatty rich food

Aversion sweets

Perspiration feet, staining.

Illustration 2: Kentian Analysis using the HomeoQuest Software

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


The first two remedies were Nat Mur and Puls. If I had not taken the case at
Stage 4, it would have been referring to Materia Medica and confirming my
Interestingly Puls had helped her quite well during the last episode of psoriasis.
However having taken the case at the Sensation level, I am certain its a Mineral
as its a problem related to structure and everything falls in place.

Kentian Miasmatic analysis

Miasm in constitutional traits - Sycosis
Disappointment, Silent grief, Responsibility, Fastidious, Moral, Guilt, fear
persecution, fear failure.

Miasm in physical symptoms - Sycosis

Chief complaint

Psoriasis chronic, recurring itchy, excessive flaking, accumulation, raised

patches, etc- sycosis.
Other past complaints

PMS Sycosis

Endometriosis Sycosis

Hyperlipidemia Sycosis.

Fungal infection Sycosis

Sinusitis Sycosis.

So the miasm of the case is Sycosis, which is again covered by nat mur, it being a
multimiasmatic remedy with a predominance of Psora and Sycosis according to
Kentian analysis.
Now lets confirm the remedy at Stage 1 and 2 for the disease psoriasis.

Illustration 3: Clinical Rubrics

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum

Natrum Muriaticum 200

Follow up
Three months later
I have been remarkably well after the remedy you gave. Not
painful, itchiness or thick scales. It feels only like dandruff.
Dreams- All my dreams have been about work and failure, but now
I have been able to let go. I don't wake up in panic. It wasn't vivid
either. I am taking care of myself now. I am still a person who likes
to hold people, but I have put my boundaries out.
My whole life had been one big race against time and now I can take
my time. A real wonderful feeling.
Two weeks ago I sneezed a lot, but that went away in a day. No
discharge or anything.
All I can say that the psoriasis doesn't rule my life anymore.

Six months later

Things are improving. Hair growing on a bald spot on my head!! I
had that spot for eight years. Psoriasis not getting worse.
I am sleeping really well. No more dreams about work. Pleasant
ones taking my dog for a walk.
It used to be very red inflamed now its pink. Its not as aggressive
anymore or as unpleasant. No new spots or lesions. Its not as thick
anymore, everything would build up before.
There is an improvement.



When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

I have been really good emotionally. I have started to relax. I don't
think of work anymore. I am cleaning up cupboards, but doing it in
my own time.
We were apprehensive going to New York, but it was good. I am
happy with my life, come to terms with my life and situation.
Being away from work helps as well
Previously I had to clean windows. Now there is less pressure on me.
I sleep really well.
I sleep non stop from 8-5am.
Very much more relaxed about life in general.
New hair growing on my bald patches. That's good.

Nine months later

After Nat Mur 1M - 1 dose.
Daughter was stand offish. I took the dose on a Saturday and on
Sunday, i send her an email saying that if you don't want to keep
this relationship, then so be it, and she has been much obliging and
I am surprised, that I have been always someone always pleasing
people and now I take a strong stand and say that's it. I don't bother
too much about me. Its been a relief to me. Its like a burden has
come off me. If you are pleasing somebody all the time because you
are worried you will not have a lasting relation. Now I have evolved
and grown and the people that really appreciate me will stay
anyway. And the people that won't are not real friends anyway.
I am not really scared anymore in relationship area. I know who I
am and take it or leave it.
People around also involve my husband, and like my daughter even
he said its time to take stance with my daughter. So I wrote we love
her and if she can't be bother communicating parent to child

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


neither do we. And she said no I do want to keep in touch and she
phoned the next day.
I have decided to take maters in my hand and not leave it to others
to take things in their hands. It is now what my husband and I want.
This is something which is growing. Its reached its peak after the
last dose.
Its no use getting upset abut things. If people don't make you
happy, so be it. It was never really good anyway.

Ten months later

I am really good. Its not a big patch any more. Just three small
My blood pressure is really low.
Its not as itchy.
Husband very surprised. Its not like it used to be. It was one big
white mess.
Dreams A happy one. I am with a group of people. I have never
met them in real life but they are friends in my dream.
I slept like a baby. I totally slept through the last night's
So I might need to monitor it more.

Two years later She continues to remain well and hadn't required any more medicines.
Thus this case could have been solved using any method or strategy. Nat Mur
was strongly indicated at Stage 3 analysis, even before we took the interview at
Stage 4. However the multiple approaches just confirmed the accuracy of my
prescription of matching a case at all four stages of disease expression and boost
the chances of prescribing a so called Simillimum. We have all these tools today


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

that were never available before. This is just one way of using the best
homeopathy has to offer today.

When you have to limit working at just one

Most homeopaths chose to restrict themselves to working at just one particular
stage and do so quite successfully. Throughout history there have been
successful homeopaths pioneering every stage in homeopathy.
My experience as both a homeopath as well as a lecturer and supervisor is that
there are practical difficulties in applying just one particular stage/method in
real life homeopathy in all cases due to various circumstances.
Here you need to be flexible enough to adapt your case taking to fit the
circumstances and get the best results possible. Thus having the knowledge,
skills and understanding of working at every stage can tremendously benefit our
practice and expand our scope as homeopaths.
This process is about finding solutions to problems and helping patients in the
quickest and most practical way rather than struggling to work with a so-called
ideal method.
Although some of my most amazing cures have occurred by confirming the
prescription right up to the fourth stage, it is not a process that suits all patients,
especially in their first interview. There are cases where you simply have to limit
yourself to understanding just one stage itself.

Case example of working at one stage

Case taking
This was one of the first few cases in my clinic in Mumbai.

Chief complaint
A father came to my clinic with his 7-year-old child. Both the father and son
had severe stammering and wondered whether homeopathy could help them.
He was particularly concerned about his young son as he did not want him to
feel any humiliation in school when other kids bullied him.

Chapter 3 - Prescribing The Simillimum


When I spoke with the child, the father seemed more desperate and coaxed the
child to answer my questions and greet me. This made the kid stammer even
more, so I offered him some toys to play with and spoke with just the father.
I managed to get the following information with some difficulty.
The son

The stammering was aggravated when he first started school, and was worse
when he was very tense or angry. He hit other kids when they bullied him, and
his voice and the whole body actually trembled when he got very angry. It was
difficult to understand him, more so when he spoke in excitement.
The father

He has a similar temper but he had gradually managed to control his temper.
He mentioned it was no use getting to their level and retaliating back. However
at times he still found it very difficult to control his anger. He suffered for days
afterwards if he lost his temper with poor appetite and sleep.

Case analysis
The case taking was very short due to the intense stammering. I decided to take
the peculiarities in the presenting state. Interestingly I found a striking similarity
in the state of both the father and his son. I prescribed a remedy based on my
knowledge of PQRS keynotes in the materia medica.

Stage 2 - Hahnemann's PQRS

The symptoms were:

Stammering when talking to strangers.

Anger aggravates

Trembling when angry

Voice weak when angry

Excitement aggravates


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

The remedy was Staphysagria.

The fathers state was Staphysagria too, where he felt the humiliation of his son
and had ailments from suppressed anger.
Hering writes was insulted, being too dignified to fight subdued his wrath and
went home sick, trembling and exhausted.

Illustration 4: Hahnemann's PQRS using the HomeoQuest Software


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Both of them got Staphysagria 200, a dose to be taken once a week for a month.

Follow up
They followed up regularly for about a year. Staphysagria was repeated in
gradually increasing potencies as and when required.
The progress was gradual but very encouraging. The son responded very well.
His violent anger came down gradually. His speech got more fluent and distinct.
The teacher at school noticed a marked improvement in his behaviour and
speech. The father has relaxed mentally and his speech was not as hurried and
so he stammered less often.
This is a remedy that I call an accidental simillimum. Because even though it
matched the case expressions at Stage 2, the follow up showed improvement in
the disease state even at Stage 3 and possibly beyond. So in a way it matched at
more than one stage by accident


The Secret to a Successful Practice in
In the last chapter, we have seen two case examples using the Stages Template
where a single remedy resolved the entire disease state. These one remedy
prescriptions seem magical for our patients. And for homoeopaths, they
reinforce the whole concept of the Simillimum.
However let me share with you an interesting fact. I have successfully treated
over a thousand of cases since I graduated in 1997. And today I enjoy a success
rate of around 80% in my practice. However such single remedy cures form a
very small part of my success. A major part of my successful cases have required
a series of remedies that gradually resolved disease state in my patients.
You will be surprised to learn that most successful homoeopathic practitioners
who enjoy a success rate of over 75 to 80% in their clinical practice have used
more than one remedy to get the patient towards cure. I can say this from firsthand experience, having assisted some of the most successful homoeopaths in
their clinics and hospital OPD's during my medical training.
So the real secret to success is matching the disease expressions at ALL STAGES
to complete the process whether it is one or more remedies.
So the question is why do ONE remedy cures form such a small percent of
successful practices.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

For centuries homoeopaths are fascinated by the perfect remedy the

Simillimum, that one remedy that cures the entire case and takes a patient
through the whole process magically. While it is fascinating to strive for a
perfect Simillimum, we do not live in a perfect world.
The reason is that most of the time, in spite of the best intention from the
patient and practitioner, it is simply not possible to get information at ALL the
four stages of disease evolution and then confirm ONE remedy to cover the
ENTIRE disease evolution. There are just too many variables and clinical road
blocks that can stop you from getting information at all four stages at one go.
Here are some of the road blocks and obstacles that can prevent a patient's from
receiving the Simillimum.

Road Blocks to the Simillimum.

Intrinsic Obstacles - Related to Patient's internal state, susceptibility and disease
Extrinsic Obstacles -Related to the Patient's external environment and the
homoeopathic practitioner himself.

Intrinsic Obstacles
One major intrinsic block that can stop a patient from expressing his disease, all
the four stages is the Disease state itself. We find that most patients with gross
pathological conditions such as large tumours, growths, extensive organic and
systemic damage to vital organs can experience a major block during case
You see many of the patients with these rapidly deteriorating states have
extremely low susceptibility. They find it really hard to express themselves
beyond their local problems. The entire focus and awareness is only to survive
and make through the disease. The condition overwhelms the person and in this
case the totality for a homoeopathic practitioner is but the local organ damage.
So although in an ideal situation as Kent mentions, the constitutional remedy at
Stage 3 should cover the organ damage at Stage 1, it is really impractical in these
patients. Here the best approach is to use approaches at Stage 1 or 2 and focus
on repairing local organ damage before going to the core issues at higher stages.

Chapter 4 - Road blocks to Simillimum


The second intrinsic obstacle is to do with the stage of the patient himself. You
see every person is innately comfortable expressing at a specific stage beyond
which you will find some resistance in receiving further information. It
synchronises with their level of awareness, blocks at family systems, limiting
belief about themselves and the world, their habits and personality traits etc. So
the best approach is releasing these obstacles and slowly receive information at
all four stages.
From experience of colleagues and students in countries where homeopathy is
not well known or when people are still unsure of the therapy is that in the first
interview most patients do not wish to go further than their symptom picture.
Stage 3 involves talking about their mental state in great detail and at Stage 4
some questions that lead them to the sensation can be frustrating or
uncomfortable for someone who did not expect this during the consult.
However during the follow ups they are generally more receptive. Trust,
practice and education are the keys when you need to take them to the deeper
stages. Until that happens, what is needed is relief of some symptoms by other
methods at earlier stages where they are comfortable.
The third intrinsic factor that is related to the patient but has more to do with
the process of homoeopathy itself. As homoeopathic practitioners we strongly
depend on verbal communication to get information of our patient's disease
expression. So we are quite limited when it comes to gathering information in
patients who are in comatose condition, or patients who cannot verbally
communicate due to mental or physical disabilities. Same is the case with new
born infants, children or animals. In these situations it is an uphill task to get
the information at all stages and find that single remedy.

Extrinsic factors
The extrinsic factors that can block a patient from going to all four stages relate
to the environment in which he or she dwells. In my experience that patients
who are experiencing intense physical hardship, extreme emotional stress or
abuse at home or work. Patients who go through intense socio-economic or
political situations on a day to day basis simply cannot focus on anything other
than immediate survival.
On the other hand our patients with severe dietary deficiencies, chemical heavy
metal toxicity, on suppressive drugs, exposure to radiation have an impaired
susceptibility that block any deeper remedies. Again in an ideal situation the
core remedy at Stage 3 or 4 can break through the extrinsic obstacles, however if
the patient's vitality is depleted and their susceptibility is destroyed then it is


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

extremely hard for any deep remedy or therapy to work under severe
maintaining factors. And even after removal of these factors, some patients do
end up with organic and systemic damage and that makes it sensible to focus at
repairing the system at Stage 1 or 2.
The second extrinsic factor that can block a case taking is related to the
homoeopathic practitioner himself. You see just as every patient expresses
innately at a certain stage due to his or her own state, every practitioner has his
or her own internal resistance and it can be related to our own internal beliefs,
prejudice, fixed ideas, awareness level and susceptibility. The beauty is when we
give ourselves the permission to let go, evolve, grow and heal as an individual
and practitioner, we give our patients the permission to go through their heal
journey in many ways.
The third extrinsic factor that can limit finding that one remedy has to do with
homoeopathic Materia Medica itself. Again this is partly related to the process
of creating our database. We depend on verbal communication to record the
experiences, symptoms and signs from our healthy provers. The end result is
that we have partial Materia Medica information at just one or two stages for
majority of our medicines. So we are operating with an extremely incomplete
Materia Medica where only a handful of polycrests have adequate information
to match a case at all four stages.
So even if you do end up with a case information at all four stages of disease
expression the chances of having a well proved remedy at the other end to
match the case is statistically extremely low. Hence this is why your success rate
is completely dependent on learning the process of how to use the existing
medicines in sequence -where each remedy matches different parts of the whole.
And together the cumulative effect can resolve the whole process.
This is exactly where the Stages Template has been such a huge advantage.
Because it is focused on resolving the whole disease process whether you use one
or multiple remedies.
So in the two next chapters I will discuss how the Stages Template can be used
to create a highly successful practice. It will provide you a blue print on the case
management process. You can use it as a GPS to guide you through the step by
step process of the entire process of taking your patient through the four stages
of his or her disease expression using the best available homoeopathic tools and
Not just that the Stages Template will show you how to make the remedy
choices in the right sequence so your progress in the direction of cure is in the

Chapter 4 - Road blocks to Simillimum


quickest and most efficient way no matter irrespective of how far your patient
chooses to go.


Pre-requisites before using the Stages
There are a few pre-requisites before using the Stages template so you have an
optimal setting for a long term clinical success:
Respect and honour the exact needs and wants of your patients. 'Be present ' to
their evolving state during every step of the treatment process.
Acknowledge, accept and appreciate the resistance within you at every step. The
more you are able to let go of your own issues, the more the patient will let go of
their own as the journey continues. This includes letting go of your fixed ideas
of what is right or wrong about a specific modality, therapy, approach or
Recognize your own unique gifts and skills as a homoeopathic practitioner and
find ways to collaborate with practitioners in the conventional and alternative
world who complement your skills at other stages.
Be open to educating yourself on the tools and resources available along the
entire spectrum of approaches within homoeopathy.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

The Essential Components of the Stages

The Clinical disease expression of the patient at each Stage.
The Tools and Approaches at each Stage.
The Outcome for the Patient at each Stage.

The Clinical disease expression of the patient at each

The Four Types of Clinical Disease Expression that best express and strongly
correspond to each Stage.

Clinical Disease Type at Stage 4

Patient is seemingly healthy by conventional definition. The diagnostic tests do
not reveal anything abnormal. The client is coping well in the area of health but
may express as inability to cope well in certain other areas of life e.g. self-worth,
relationship, work, money and live life to the fullest.
They express this as some form of discomfort or disease that prevents them
from getting what they really want. They can easily connect to their deeper
purpose and mission, at the same time struggle with an internal conflict that
stops them from getting there.
Many show a susceptibility to attract similar situations or experiences. They fall
into the pattern of not coping at different times in their lives. That can be
traced to an innate predisposition that is either inherited or acquired.

Clinical Disease Type at Stage 3

Patient may seem extremely vulnerable, overwhelmed and sensitive to certain
exciting factors related to individual idiocyncracies. They express generalised
mental and physical expressions of disturbances along the PNEI axis PsychoNeuro-Endocrino and immunological axis.
There is a plethora of mind body interconnected symptoms such as lack of
energy, disturbed sleep patterns, aches and pains, lack of motivation, low

Chapter 5- The Stages Template


moods, decreased appetite, lack of concentration, unable to cope with day to

day regular demands, etc.
Some patients will clinically manifest as susceptibility to recurrent physical
symptoms such as infections, nervous sensitivities and hormonal disturbances
connected to emotional causes. They can easily connect certain mental and
physical states.
None of the symptoms can be easily diagnosed as a specific disease. Laboratory
tests and check-ups are generally within the normal range but may reveal certain
issues e.g. fluctuations in hormonal levels, glucose intolerance.

Clinical Disease Type at Stage 2

The mental and physical symptoms of the patient can now be associated to a
specific diagnosis.
The patient's is more focussed on the clinical details, reports and investigations
about one or more specific systems related to the chief or associated complaint,
many of which will be common symptoms. The patient expresses very little
connection between mental and physical complaints.
Most common examples are asthma, bronchitis, angina, ischemia,
hypertension, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis,
psoriasis, depression, panic and anxiety disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome,
etc. Laboratory tests and Pathological tests will now present with abnormal
results and may show structural changes at the tissue level.

Clinical Disease Type at Stage 1

The patient's disease has progressed from functional and cellular changes to
show gross pathological changes in the organ or system in the body. The whole
focus of the patient is on the signs and symptoms of specific organ damage and
secondary changes to related vital organs and systems. There is a separateness
between different complaints and parts of the body.
Examples are congestive cardiac failure, cirrhosis of liver, glomerular nephritis,
peptic ulcers, fibroids in uterus, ovarian cysts ulcerative colitis etc.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

The Tools and approaches at each Stage and the

Outcome for the Patient at each Stage.
Now let's look at the Homoeopathic Tools and Approaches that I have used in
my own practice. I have grouped them into a Stage of their predominant focus.
I have also provided the predominant specialized outcome they provide a

Stage 1 Approaches
Compton Burnett's Organotherapy, Leon Vannier's Drainage, Schuessler's
Biochemic System, Detoxification, Isopathy etc.

Outcome at Stage 1
Repairs damage organs and tissues.
Improve functionality of organs and systems.
Replenishing deficiency.
Eliminate toxins in organs and systems.

Stage 2 Approaches
Hahnemann's PQRS approach, Therapeutic keynote approach, Herring's three
legged stool approach, Boenninghausen's approach of the complete symptom,
Boger's pathological generals etc.

Outcome at Stage 2
Management of acute exacerbations of the chronic condition.

Stage 3 Approaches
Hahnemann's Chronic disease miasmatic approach, Boenninghausen's Grand
Generalisation, Kent's approach with emphasis on Mental symptoms, Modified
Kentian approaches such as Jan Scholten's Periodic table Approach, Sankaran's
Delusional approach, Eizayaga's triangle, Vijaykar's Genetic Constitutional
approach, Divya's Free Association approach, Alize Timmerman's Family
factors etc.

Chapter 5- The Stages Template


Outcome at Stage 3

Stops further progression of the chronic disease.

Reverses the progression of the chronic disease.
Reduces the frequency and intensity of acute exacerbations.

Improve physical and emotional state by balancing the PNEI axis.

Improving energy and vitality.
Reduces tendency to certain predisposing chronic conditions.

Stage 4 Approaches
Sankaran's Sensation Approach and Source Approach with emphasis on
connecting the patient to the source of their remedy.

Outcome at Stage 4 Generalised wellbeing and Improve ability to cope well in various areas of life
such as health, self-worth, relationship, work, money etc. Resolves internal
conflict, limiting beliefs and deepest core fears. Ability to breakthrough
obstacles and live life to the fullest, resisting stress and illness and performing at
their peak potential.


Stages Template Blue Print Application in
Clinical Practice.
Clinical Scenarios
Now let me give you some possible clinical scenarios and how I use the Stages
Template in my practice.

Linear Protocol
Here are four typical presentations in the clinic I have experienced during the first consult. I have provided the most
common corresponding desired outcome that the patient wants and the approaches that can be used to provide that
Patient's Clinical Type

Patient's Desired

Approaches Used At

Type 4

Outcome 4

Stage 4

Type 3

Outcome 3b

Stage 3( Modified Kentian) and Stage 4

Type 2

Outcome 3a and 2

Stage 3 (Traditional) and Stage 2

Type 1

Outcome 1

Stage 1

Chapter 6-The Blue Print for A Successful Homoeopathic Practice


The focus here is about not what you want but what the patient wants. Having
said that it is not a one dimensional phenomenon. The beauty of this process is
that as the patient continues to benefit at every step, their disease expression
changes and so does their desired outcome, wants and needs.
The best part is there is progressively increasing rapport and trust between the
patient and the practitioner at each consult and hence patients are much more
open to go further along at the next level.
The key is to be in the moment with them at every follow up and be open to
make the use of the best available tools and resources at that stage to help them
complete their journey.

Crossed Protocol
Now lets look at one common atypical presentation.There are some Patients
with clinical type 1 or 2 who may want an Outcome at 3b or 4.
In such situations many of us would want to use approaches at Stage 3 or 4.
Most remedies that cover the core state and miasm will also resolve the
pathology at Stage 1 and 2 to complete the entire process. However in my own
experience and the experiences of many successful homoeopaths this process is
not just impractical but clinically ineffective.
The reason being, although not impossible, there are many intrinsic and
extrinsic road blocks related to the homoeopathic case taking process and
Materia Medica itself that make it extremely difficult to find a remedy that can
match all stages of disease expression in all dimensions in such case.
And so the common pitfall is that in spite of the best intention, most
homoeopaths end up with a partial remedy that matches just a part of clinical
expression at Stage 3 or 4. This remedy may not cover its corresponding
evolution of the clinical expression at Stage 1 and 2. So the main pathology
shows no response to the remedy.
Many hope that having improved the general susceptibility and vitality at the
baseline, that will eventually resolve the pathology. However in such cases the
pathology is progressing too fast for the wait and watch approach and hence the
failure rate can be quite high.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

So this is where the Stages Template offers two solutions that ensure a much
better success rate by simplifying the complex dimension of the case and
overcoming obstacles.
1. Use specific approaches at Stage 1 and/or 2 and prescribe remedies that
provide Outcome 1 and 2. Eventually the patient's clinical expression
changes and he or she is ready for approaches at Stage 3 or 4.
This is the key to success of many homoeopaths such as Dr Compton
Burnett, Dr Ramkrishnan's Cancer Approach etc.
2. This is used in situations when you are able to use specific approaches at
Stage 4 or 3 and find that deeper core remedy but unable to confirm if
this remedy matches your case expressions at Stage 1 and 2. Here you
use the deeper core remedy along with the organ remedies. This is an
extremely useful protocol in certain situations when the pathology isn't
progressing very rapidly. I have witness many beautiful cases in my
hospital OPD that responded well to this protocol
The key is to make sure that the remedies in both groups are used at
separate times, in different potencies to ensure they act specifically at
different planes and organs of affinity.

Application of the Stages Template - The

Difference it Made
Today the Stages Template has helped me over the years to build a successful
and fulfilling practice.
It has helped me connect with my patients as never before and witness so many
healing journeys no matter what stage my patients chose to go. The best part is
that it ensures I respect my patient's needs and wants at every step of the way
and remain ok with it.
You see patients will choose to start and end their journey at different points in
the process. Some will continue only until their acute exacerbation is resolved or
surgery is averted. This was the aspect of homoeopathy that I have witnessed in
the surgical wards and rural clinics in India. Some go further until their entire
chronic disease is resolved so they can taper their medications.

Chapter 6-The Blue Print for A Successful Homoeopathic Practice


Interestingly today an increasing number of my patients are choosing to

continue their journey even after the real disease is gone. This is the realm of
coaching where I have found a fascinating potential of homoeopathic remedies
as tools to create a deeper transformation. It is a privilege to support these
patients lead a fuller, happier life resisting stress and illness. To be able to
overcome their problems and meet their goals to the best of their innate
potential and abilities. This is the untapped aspect of homoeopathy that
definitely needs further research.
So as a homoeopathic practitioner we have choices today as never before in the
history of this modality. We can find our own gifts and purpose and provide
our own way of homeopathy for our clients. And doing this we can build not
just a successful but a highly fulfilling practice. Where your patients appreciate
you for providing them the best of what you are, no matter how far they go with


How the Stages concept changed my
This whole concept actually widened my horizons and made me a better person
before it made me a better homeopath. It was no longer a case taking but case
receiving by creating a relaxed space for patients to just be. Rather than
struggling to look for different ways to get to the core based on a strategy I
wanted to go with, I generally let them take me as deep as they want to go and
work with what they offer. In fact, this process actually helped me reach the core
of my client much more easily than ever before as the atmosphere and the
energy eases in the room immediately.
Thus going back into the basics of evolution of homeopathic concepts can also
help us widen our definition of homeopathy and use the full potential of
homeopathy. It helps us work at a stage where our patient is willing to go rather
than restricting the application of homeopathy for him due to our lack of
Homeopathy is a process and there is not just one way of looking at a case or
fixing yourself to one strategy.
So, in a way, no case can be called incomplete as long as the homeopath has
made a conscious effort to evolve through the stages with his patient.


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

Once you have the data, you can decide the approach, understanding the pros
and cons of your case and flexibly adapt into the corresponding resources to
provide the best homeopathy can offer for your case. This can be effectively
communicated to the patient and mutual expectations are clarified and

Homoeopathy Network
It has been a privilege to connect with you along with thousands of
homoeopathic practitioners all over the world through this book.
And thank you for being a part of my Homoeopathy Network. My vision is to
empower every homoeopathic practitioner bridge the gap in their knowledge
and provide the best for their clients.
Its exciting when as a community we can connect, grow, share and change lives
in different corners of the world.
Today the Stages template has helped hundreds of my students in my courses
and mentoring program create simple effective protocols for their clients that
boosts their baseline success both in the short and long term.
And the best part is it enables practitioner to create a long term relationship
with their patients so that more and more patients are committed to complete
the healing. At the same time it brings the best out of every practitioner by
empowering them, and tapping into their unique strengths and gifts.
The resources in the Homeopathic Network are created to help you use the
Stages template so you create the similar success in your own practice. Through
this book I've given you the roadmap and the blue print to do this. All you need
is plug in your own brilliance and follow the steps to adapt it into your brand of
integrative homoeopathy.
I wish you an extremely successful and fulfilling practice.

I would love to keep in touch with you!

Hope you have enjoyed reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I
always wanted to be a part of a community where homoeopaths at all stages
share and learn from each other.

Chapter 7 Conclusion and What Next?


Eventually in September 2012, I started a community of like minded

Homoeopaths within my Homoeopathic Network called QuestConnect.
Thanks to incredible members, I have seen it grow exactly into what I had
Quest Connect is a part of my vision to create a safe environment for a close
knit community,

Where every type of homoeopathic practitioner is welcome no matter

what approach they use in homoeopathy.

Where you feel safe to connect, network and share ideas.

Where you can share your ups and downs that only another
homoeopath can truly understand.

Where you can seek support and encouragement from other

practitioners when you feel the need to.

Where you can share your commitment, dreams, wants and experiences
in anything homeopathic under the Sun

And where you can always find that little extra something to help you
not lose momentum.

Having said that QuestConnect is only for those practitioners and students of
homeopathy who are passionate, dedicated and really keen to share, learn and
grow, who believe in mutual respect for fellow homeopaths, and are open to
accept and express views on anything homeopathic without judgement in any
form whatsoever.
Today I sincerely wish to send you as my privileged reader an exclusive
invitation to become a member of this exciting community.
The membership of QuestConnect is completely free.
Simply register by clicking here
But there are a few unique things about Quest Connect * The subscription is exclusively "by invitation" only. What this means is that no
one can join Quest Connect unless members send their close homeopathic


When Your Favourite Approach Does Not Work

friends and colleagues a personal invitation. So this makes it an exclusive

members only club for Homoeopathic Practitioners.
* It is only open to Registered Practitioners and students studying
* The Forums are private and not visible to general public.
Hence it is my honour and privilege to send you my personal invitation to
become a part of Quest Connect Family.
Simply register by clicking here
Thanks and Warmest Regards,

Shilpa Bhouraskar
Sydney, Australia
PS: Don't forget to read my personal experience on QuestConnect in the articles
section. That's where I share that one critical step in my journey as a homeopath
which helped me create a successful practice even after I had changed my base
5-6 times in a span of seven years in my early practice.
And believe me it had nothing to do with my knowledge and skillset.
Read about my story on Quest Connect now in the articles - Do what it takes to
keep the momentum.
Simply register by clicking here

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