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Fatima Ali



eflection 2

To begin with, I will briefly describe my second lesson with my MCT. As I start the
lesson by showing the Ss two different picture in the PowerPoint and I ask them to
find the different between the picture in using the force. Then I gave each group
empty can and spoon as I ask them to open the can by using them hand to open it
then they have to open it by using the spoon which is the simple machine and write
the different in the two situation. Then we discuss why it is different in the force and
how they applied the input/output force. Based to this activity I did a small
discussion with the Ss to reach the new formula which is the mechanical advantage
formula as I ask them later to answer the questions in workbook individually to
evaluate each students thinking. While they finish, I show them two different trains
one is old and the other is new in order to differentiate between them in the
efficiency as this discussion lead to the new formula of the mechanical efficiency. At
the end I finish the lesson by let the students complete the formula in the workbook
individually to evaluate them understanding.
In addition, in this lesson I like when I expend the students thinking in reaching the
new formula by asking them driving question to help them know it. to be more
specifically I use inquiry based learning it is to involve the ss to them lesson in order
to lead them to understand. And, it is allow the teacher to ask questions to drive the
learner to the new information. As this what I achieve in this lesson. (What is Inquiry
Based Learning?, n.d)
Otherwise, I think I should to improve my language skills while teaching the students
because I though second language learner and some of the Ss have low level in
English as my MCT ask me to do like a small English teaching in my lesson to allow
the students to be more comfortable in speaking English. For instance when they
answer the worksheet I will let them to use the online dictionary in order to gain
more vocabulary word and understand they key concept.

Fatima Ali




What is Inquiry Based Learning? (n.d.). Retrieved 11 29, 2014, from TeAch-nology:

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