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University of the Philippines Diliman

College of Education
Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services

EDTECH 210: Instructional Media Resources

Chapter One: Introduction
Technology is being integrated into the lesson plan with the use of various media such
as multimedia (online games, videos), and digital and traditional text media (paper-andpen, tablets, powerpoint presentation). It also allows students to collaborate more with
their peers.
One of the most important contributions of technology in the classroom is raising the
motivation of students. Ames argued that technology could potentially increase
motivation in students through an increase in students' effectiveness (Heafner, 2004).
One way that effectiveness can increase is by giving students a more active role in their
education through the use of technology. "When students are using technology as a tool
or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the
passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast.
The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or
display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking
about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led
lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool to support students in performing
authentic tasks, the students are in the position of defining their goals, making design
decisions, and evaluating their progress (Effects of Technology on Classrooms and
Students, n.d.)."
Technology has already been incorporated into the University of the East's classes
through the installation of SMART TVs in each classroom, even in the elementary
classrooms. A lesson plan with technology integration will be implemented in the said
school and later on will be valuated if the technology integrated was used efficiently. A
focus group discussion will also be done to collect insights from the students.

Chapter Two: Methodology

The lesson plan's topic was "evaluating algebraic expressions" for a Grade 7 Math
class. The learning objectives were for students to be able to evaluate algebraic
expressions and to solve word problems involving evaluating algebraic expressions.
The students were Grade 7-Jupiter from the University of the East (UE), with Teacher
Mona Sabaeco as their homeroom adviser.

The students were taught basic terms in algebra and order of operations before the
lesson plan with technology integration was implemented. Technology was used to
enhance the learning experience of the students as they were taught the more complex
topic of evaluating algebraic expressions and of using algebraic expressions in solving a
variety of mathematical problems.

The Blended Learning Environment covered the following:

powerpoint presentations for the two preparatory activities that were 10 minutes
each, the two days of lesson proper for 30 minutes each, reinforcement activities
for 20 minutes each, and the evaluation activities for 15 minutes each;
concurrently, the tablets were used for the group activities within the whole
lesson for 10-20 minutes per activity, whereby, in addition to pens and papers,
the students were asked to show their answers by putting up their tablets;
short videos of 5-10 minutes each were shown during the lesson proper; and,
an online game on algebraic evaluation was given to the students as homework.
After the two lessons, a focus group discussion was conducted in order to gauge the
effectiveness of the technology integration into the lesson.

Chapter Three: Results and Discussions

Incorporation of multimedia
During the first day, due to lack of personnel assistance, the video's sound could not be
heard because the laptop was not plugged into the sound system. Thus, the students
could not hear what was being said in the video. Given this, the teacher was discussing
what the students were supposed to understand while the video was playing. In spite of
the technical setbacks, all other instructional materials were used properly.
On the following day, the laptop was plugged into the sound system so the students
could already hear the audio of the video. While some students showed interest in the
video, the others were distracted by the tablets that they had brought and so they were
unable to concentrate on the video and the lesson. The teacher had to paraphrase the
content of the video in order for the students to understand the lesson.
The slide presentations prepared were used as a guide throughout the lessons.
A link was also given to the students by the end of the period which served as their
homework since there was no internet connection in the multimedia room that was
assigned to the class. The link directed the students to an online game that further
enhanced the students skill in evaluating algebraic expressions.

Incorporation of digital text media

The students were grouped and each group was able to use a tablet which they used
for the drill board exercises. During the first day, the students did not seem to know how
to use the tablets as part of the lesson. On the next day, however, they were given more
specific instructions so they effectively used the tablets for the group activities. They
also showed a very fast adaptability as regards using the application used for the

The students were asked how do they felt about the class discussions using technology
for the past two days. Many students answered that they liked it and they wanted the
class discussion to be formatted that way.
Since UE is a laboratory school, it has been following a specific learning program for
three years now. The school makes use of the DLP (Dynamic Learning Program)

whereby students write the lessons first and try to figure out and understand the lessons
on their own, without any teachers intervention initially. Afterwards, the teacher
facilitates a discussion of the lesson and encourages the students to ask questions.
With the integration of technology, more than half of the class expressed their
preference to using technology in the discussions since technology allows them an
opportunity to answer more activities and interact with their classmates. Technology
also gives them the opportunity to immediately clarify with their teacher any unclear or
vague concepts. It also give them a sense of confidence because they get to defend
their answers, especially if they are called to explain their work during board work. The
group activities using technology also gives them a sense of responsibility and work as
a team.
On the other hand, three to five students said that still wanted the DLP. They said that
they were annoyed by their classmates who were too noisy and who were not
cooperating during the group activities. They wanted to answer the activities on their
own rather than doing them within a group. One student said that he already understood
the lesson by reading the concepts he had written during the DLP.
Some of the students liked the environment at the Multimedia Room since it was more
spacious and lessons were projected onto a bigger screen. Though there are SMART
TVs in their regular classrooms, what the students see is limited to how big the TV
screen is. Having an LCD projector in the Multimedia Room made the powerpoint
presentations and the videos easier to see.
The students also liked using tablets in lieu of illustration boards and chalk for drill
exercises. They said that the tablets were much easier and convenient to use and not
hazardous to their health.
Since only a few of the students visited the website given as their homework, only a few
of them also was able to share their experience with the game. Those who had visited
the website all gave a positive feedback as regards their experience in using an online
game even though it was given out as homework. They found it challenging and fun,
and, at the same time, very educational. They said that they learned to solve problems
quickly and accurately since this skill was needed in the game. Another aspect that they
liked was that the online game could be played by two opposing players so they could
play against their own classmates.

Chapter Four: Conclusion and Recommendation

At the center of any classroom are the students. Heafner (2004) states that "to develop
a more nurturing and engaging learning environment that promotes cognitive
growth...teachers need to incorporate instructional practices that are student
centered. The use of technology as a means to motivate students by engaging
students in the learning process with the use of a familiar instructional tool that improves
students self-efficacy and self-worth. If teachers build students self-confidence, then
students will more likely enjoy learning, which can greatly impact student achievement."
Thus, when integrating technology into a lesson plan or an entire curriculum, a survey of
media should be conducted first, taking into consideration which media are available
both to the teacher and the students. In this way, the teacher can choose which medium
would be appropriate for the lesson and what medium could be accessed and easily
used by the students.
Once the teacher has chosen the appropriate media, the tools that will be used must be
double-checked in order to know if the tools are in working condition. The tools must
also be set up in advance so that class time will not be used up. Having technicians on
standby is also essential.
It is during this pre-implementation phase that the importance of essential conditions for
technology integration of shared vision, planning, equitable access, skilled personnel,
technical support, student-centered learning, and assessment and evaluation can be
Specific instructions must also be given to the students in order for them to effectively
use the technology. In addition, certain parameters must be outlined regarding the use
of technology. A verbal contract between the teacher and the students could be done. It
must be made clear to the students that the technology that they will be using will be for
educational purposes. They must not use it for personal activities. Consequences for
not following the contract could be stated. For example, the students who do not follow
the contract will be made to go through a penalty game.

Pictures during the implementation

Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Heafner, T. (2004). Using technology to motivate students to learn social
studies.Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial],
4(1). Retrieved from

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