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Delta-Wye Resistor combination transformations

There are two commonly encountered resistor combinations whose equivalent resistances can
be cumbersome to calculate. They are called Delta () and Wye (Y) combinations.

This transformation allows you to re-draw a resistor combination that is a Delta (or Wye) as
the other type, a Wye (or a Delta). Notice how the following circuit could be simplified:

The second circuit is able to now be more familiarly redrawn as follows, which we can solve.

Delta-Wye Resistor combination transformations

So we need to find the transformation between the set of resistors { RA, RB, RC } and the set
of resistors { R1, R2, R3 } . That is, given one resistor complex, there must be an equivalent
resistor complex of the other kind (with different values for the resistances) that would have
the same effective resistance when put into a circuit. This equivalence is found by considering
the effective resistance of the Delta complex between node N1 and N2 (by considering N3 as
not connected to any other wire) and comparing to the expression obtained for the equivalent
resistance between nodes N1 and N2 for the Wye complex.
The equivalent resistance of the Delta complex between N1 and N2 is given by:

And the equivalent resistance of the Wye complex between N1 and N2 is simply:

because if N3 is connected to nothing, R3 would see no current and so you just have R1 and R2
in series. We have to do the same analysis for the other two combination of nodes, getting two
more equations relating the different sets of resistors. But that means wed have three equations
and three unknowns for which we could solve. Sparing you the details (which actually are not
too bad) we end up with the simple relations:

(Perhaps you notice the pattern, R1 doesnt involve RA on top, R2 doesnt involve RB on top, and
R3 doesnt involve RC on top.)
You can also rearrange these equations to get expressions to convert the other way:

So now you can calculate the total current coming from the battery in the circuit below:

Delta-Wye Resistor combination transformations

(Req=7.15 ohm I = 1.26A)

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