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concentrating F kg/h at 311 K of a 20 wt % solution of NaOH to 50%. The

saturated steam used for heating is at 399.3 K. the preesure in the vapor
space of the evaporator is 13.3 Kpa absolute. The overall coefficient is 1420
W/m2.K and the area is 86.4 m2. Calculate the feed rate of the evaporator.

Solution :
The heat capacity of the feed is assumed to be CpF = 4.14 kJ/kg.K
Assumed boiling point of the dilute to be of the water at 101.32 KPa,
T1 = 373.2 K (1000C) as the datum temperature.
Hv latent heat of the water at 373.2 is 2257 kJ/kg base on steam
table at appendix A.2
Latent heat saturation temperature Ts = 399.3 K is 2186 kJ/kg.
hL = 0, because its the datum of 3732.2 K

F ( 0.2 ) = L (0.5 )
0.4 F = L

q = U A T
= 1420 ( 86.4 ) ( 399.3 373.2)
= 3.2 x 106

q = S

3.2 x 10 6
= ( 2186) (1000 / 3600) = 5269.89

F . hf + S . = L .hL + V . HV
F . ( 4.14 ) ( 311 373.2 ) + ( 5269.89 ) ( 2186 ) = L (0) + 0.4 F ( 2257)

-257.5 F + 1.152 x 107 = 902.8 F

1160.3 F = 1.152 x 107
F = 9072 kg/h

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