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Kate Guendoo

REVISED 11/12/14

Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence

3.10 The student will investigate and understand that natural events and human influences can affect the
survival of species. Key concepts include
a) the interdependency of plants and animals;
b) the effects of human activity on the quality of air, water, and habitat;
c) the effects of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms; and
d) conservation and resource renewal.

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance tasks:
Save the beach: The residents of your city have been noticing a lot of trash on the beach. They
are concerned about the way the beach is beginning to look and the health and safety of the
animals around the beach (crabs, seagulls, fish). You and your team of volunteers are going to
start an anti-littering campaign to raise awareness of the effects of littering on the beach. You
and your team will create a poster and a public service announcement video to raise awareness
about the importance of keeping our beach clean. Your video and flyer must include three
reasons why it is important to keep our beach clean and three ways beach-visitors can help.
These posters will be put up around the beach for beach-goers to see and your video will be
shared on the local news website.

Tell Me a Story: You are a childrens book author and your team of writers have been given
the task of writing a set of books about animals in different ecosystems. You have been given
the assignment to write a story about two raccoon friends: one that lives in a neighborhood and
one that lives in the woods. The story will compare the two raccoon friends living
environments: where they live, what they eat, and other animals they interact with. You will
include how the raccoons feel about their living situations. Your story will highlight how the
raccoon in the neighborhood feels about the humans affecting their environment. Your story
must also include pictures. We will share these with the local library.

What other evidence will be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?

Other evidence:
Quizzes: Brief exit-slip quizzes will be given throughout the unit after covering each concept.
Diagrams: Students will create diagrams to represent various content throughout the unit.
Draw a food chain
Illustrate an ecosystem
Create a brochure about the positive and negative human actions on animals lives.
Adapted from Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2nd.ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association
Write about
of Curriculum
plant & animal
for Supervision

Writing prompts

Kate Guendoo

REVISED 11/12/14

Students will reflect on other people, animals, and plants they depend on in their own
Students will write journal entries about their own influences on the environment.
Students will complete checklists that include points such as, stayed on task, did at least
one thing to help me learn, learned one thing.
Students will complete exit slips with one thing they did well and one thing they could
have done better to help their learning.
Students will self-assess and reflect after each PBE.

Adapted from Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2nd.ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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