Calculus 1210 - Pipeline Project

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Pipeline Project

A gas well has been discovered and needs to be linked to the nearest refinery. The terrain is complicated
however there are five different possible routes:
I) Bordering Private Ground from the east:
We're unable to link the has well to the refinery directly. Instead, we'll border around from the east
through the mountain. We formulated the following equation for its costs:
$24,800,000 = 44 x 500,000 + 2,000,000 + 320,000 + 120,000 x 4

Miles Pipeline Mountain Science


$ Lost months

II) Bordering Private Ground from the west:

Instead of going through the mountain we'll border west, south, and east, to reach the refinery. The cost
engulf the average price of pipeline per mile ($500,000) by how many miles there are. Formulating the
following equation:
$26,000,000 = 52 x 500,000

Miles Pipeline

III) Finding the shortest distance between the Refinery and the Gas Well:
Instead of bordering the private ground we'll go through it. However, to find the cost we'll have to find
the direct diagonal distance between the Gas Well and the Refinery, as we for having an extra $350,000
additional cost to the original $500,000 fee of pipeline per mile; overall making it $850,000. To find the
distance we'll use Pythagorean's Theorem.

(32 mi)^2 + (12 mi)^2 = (? mi)^2

? mi = 34.17601498

12 mi

1024 mi^2 + 144 mi^2 = (? mi)^2

? mi = 34.17601498

(1168 mi^2)^(1/2) = ? mi

? mi = 34.17601498


32 mi

34.17601498 mi = ? mi

? mi = 34.17601498

Now knowing the direct distance from the Gas Well to the Refinery we calculate the cost with the
following formula:
$29,049,612.73 = 850,000 x 34.17601489



IV) Straight South and East:

To shorten the trip we'll go straight south through the Private Ground and east. This will be 44 miles
long and 12 of those miles are inside the Private Ground, meaning we'll have to pay $850,000 per mile.
The overall price being:
$26,200,000 = 12 x 850,000 + 500,000 x 32

Miles Pipeline

Pipeline Miles

V) Optimal Way :
Instead of going through the Private Ground directly south, we'll increase the length of it just enough to
be cost effective since it will reduce the length while heading east. This will allow it to be cheaper than
all others. For this we'll have to find a distance from the Gas Well to the new destination somewhere
between the 32 mile range below; which means we'll have to find a formula which to minimize.





32 - y

Knowing these two triangles obtained from the different possible routes we can develop an equation
based on their equal hypotenuses to make a comparison and finding "x."
The Equation for the cost is so far:
C(y) = 850,000 (x) + 500,000 (32 - y)
C'(y) = 850,000 (144 + y^2)^(1/2) + 500,000 (32 - y)
C'(y) (8.5 (2y))/(2(144+y^2))^(1/2) - 5
Now that the equation is a derivative, we can equal it to 0 to find y. C'(y) = 0
0 = (8.5 (2y))/ (2(144+y^2))^(1/2) - 5
(5(144 + y^2))^2 = (8.5y)^2
25(144+y^2) = 72.25y^2
3600 + 225y^2 = 72.25y^2
(3600/47.25)^(1/2) = y
8.728715609 = y





X = 14.83

32 - y
Having an equation now we can minimize by finding its derivative.
(For not making it more complicated I reduced the 850,000 and 500,000 into 8.5 and 5 respectively)
Now knowing "y" we can replace it to find "x."
X = (144 + y^2)^(1/2)
X = (144 + (8.728715609)^2)^(1/2)
X = 14.83881654 mi
Knowing " X " we can fulfill the C(y) equation!
C(y) = 850,000(14.83881654) + 500,000(32 - 8.728715609)
C(y) = $24248636.25
This price being the lowest of all five possibilities by $551,363.75 (min) or $4,800,976.48 (max).

Do you give us approval to carry forth option V and commence construction?

CEO Signature

Before taking calculus, math was seen as something that would be a waste of time, rarely applied
during real time events; except in advanced technological application. Something so far distant it
rarely didn't mattered that much. However, now that we're finding and applying these concepts
into now day situations it really is something to awe at its magnificence of detail and vast
resourcefulness. Now it is a tool ready for use. Perhaps in the area of medicine we may use it for
ratios and population averages as well for the rates of incoming and expulsed fluids within an
organ, the possibilities are come as problems arise and there are many yet!

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