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Gimena Perna, thursday 14hs.

The Good and the Bad Side of

A dream is a collection of images and ideas that occur involuntarily during
certain periods of repose. When you first fall asleep, your heart rate slows,
your temperature drops, and your brain is busy procesing the day's events.
Duirng this first stage, dreams are made up of toughts and images from your
walking life, after 90 minutes surreal dreams occur.

The Good Side

For me the first good thing about dreaming is that i can travel arraund the
world. I usually dream that i travel to all the places that i wanna to travel
someday. Another good thing is that i remmber happy events from my past.
You can dream with a christmas when you still belived in Santa, or when you
went to a camp with your classmates, or with your first kiss. Other good thing
abaout dreaming it's that some times you can se your future. Like the other
day i dreamt that my friend was pregnant, and she has just told me that she

The Bad Side

However, there are some things that i don't like abaut dreaming. Firstly i'm not
always remember what i dream. And that makes me crazy, and i'm thinking
abaut that all day long. Secondly, sometimes i wake up in the middle of a
great dream. I can't finish a good dream history and that is sad for me. But,
the worse thing abaut dreaming are the nightmares. Becouse they have a
bigger impact, and its images stay with me truoghtout the day since they
show me my fears, traumas, insecurities, etc.

In general i love draming, becouse that means that i'm slepping, that i can
relax my brain, and travel for diferents worlds.

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