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Cuff 1

Jarod Cuff
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
November 12, 2014
Final Draft
Information Technology, a great study that allows any technological study to become
professional. Information Technology is greatly beneficial to technology today, should extend
the life of current technology and fix first-hand upgraded technology. That is why it should not
be regarded as a field, but rather be regarded as a resource and managing type of job.
Information technology is a complicated field but needed as a resource for other fields.
Technology gradually advances and at a fast rate, all sorts of technology needs to be managed by
people up to date with the resources (Gczy 55). That concludes that Information Technology
specialists should work in teams. Using a Divide and Conquer technique could half or even
eliminate the time it takes to complete a task, it also gets multiple opinions floating so that
person can figure out what is wrong faster (Magni 26). This article is about what Information
Technologies effect is on other fields, and how working in a team can reduce solution times of
If that person work for a supply chain, the job of an Information Technology manager can
be vital to the company. As a manager of a supply chain company, for an example, Airlines; that
persons job is vital and can be essential to a successful supply chain. If that person were to
work as an IT (Information Technology) manager for an Airline chain, that persons job can make
flights be either early or extremely late (Tang 27). Technologies nowadays advance quickly,
even transportation, and if that company does not have somebody up to date with learning the

Cuff 2

resources and material; most technologies will fail and have no one there to repair them and or
fix the miniscule problems (Gczy 55). This article is about how managing big supply chains as
an Information Technology person, and how important it is to keep up to date with technology
and do all that persons work on time.
Information technology, a field at its finest. The information technology field, is about all
technologies and how to fix and repair them, and just general information about all technologies.
This is an important field because it supports the other fields becoming professional, become
professional on its own (Gczy 55). Working in teams in Information Technology, no matter the
project, proves beneficial. Not for just the team but for the whole projects and/or repairs, to
become successful. Working in a team, also provides for multiple opinions and getting multiple
repairs and/or projects done at once (Magni 26). This article states how the Information
Technology field gets things done, and how its effect on other fields makes them going from
lowly jobs, to professional.
Information Technology is not just a field, it is a resource and managing job that fixes
broken technology and manages it. Information Technology is greatly beneficial to technology
today, should extend the life of current technology and fix first-hand upgraded technology. That
is why Information Technology is important and applies to most fields today, and how it should
be viewed as a grateful thing that companies have these people.

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Works Cited
Gczy, Peter, Noriaki Izumi, and Kiti Hasida. "Analytics-Based Management Of Information
Systems." Review Of Business & Finance Studies 5.2 (2014): 55-65. Business Source
Premier. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

Magni, Massimo, Corey M. Angst, and Ritu Agarwal. "Everybody Needs Somebody: The
Influence Of Team Network Structure On Information Technology Use." Journal of
Management Information Systems 29.3 (2012): 9-42. Business Source Premier. Web. 10
Nov. 2014.

Tang, Christopher S., and Joshua Zimmerman. "Information and Communication Technology
For Managing Supply Chain Risks." Communications of The ACM 56.7 (2013): 27-29.
Business Source Premier. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

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