WWW - Argyre.hu/b2 Angol@argyre - Hu: NM Studio ..:: Angol Távoktatás::.

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NM Studio
..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


Bemutatkoz levl - Alapfok

rj egy rvid bemutatkoz levelet leend angol levelezpartnerednek, amelyben elmondod,

hogy jutottl hozz a cmhez s rviden lerod csaldi llapotod s jellemzed nmagad.
(Tartsd be az angol levlrs jellemzit!)

Veszprm 8200
14 July, 1995.
Dear Rachel,
I got your address from /my English teacher/ a friend of mine, who told me that you would
like to correspond with a Hungarian boy/ girl of my age.
I am 15 and live with my parents and two sisters/brothers. I'm a student in an academic
grammar school/ secondary technical school/ vocational school and my favourite subjects
are English and Maths/ History/ Biology.
I'm quite tall/ short and slim/ plump. My eyes are blue/ dark and my hair is short/ long/
shoulder length and fair/ dark/ brown. I take after my father but I've got my mother's
personality. I'm sociable/ talkative and I like having friends.
In my free time I play football/ basketball/ table tennis. My hobby is collecting stamps/
travelling/ reading books.
I can't think of any more to write for the first time but I'm really interested to hear about
you. I hope you'll answer soon.
Yours sincerely,

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