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1. Connect to the following website:, Click on Motion Activity

2. On the screen, it says If you see the spinning logo on the left, click here to launch the game!
go ahead and click launch the game!
3. Next, answer the following questions below as you move along throughout the program.

Entrance: Forces
1. True or False: A force is needed to slow a car down.___________________________
2. What is the force that pulls makes the riders move down the ride?
(Find ride name)__________________________________________________________________________
3. Which force slows down the monorail until it stops?______________________________________
4. True or False: During compression you push down and the object pushes back up towards
you. _____________________________________________________________
5. Magnetic forces can either be ____________________________or__________________________
6. What unit do we measure force in?_____________________________________________________
7. A resistive force between two objects in contact with each other
is________________________________________________________________is a pushing force
while_____________________________________________________________is a pulling one.
Newtown Area: Gravity, Stretching and Compression
8. Why dont we notice the force between everyday objects but we do notice the force
between things with the Earth?

9. Gravity always acts towards the ______________________of the Earth

10. True or False: There is no gravity in space. ______________________________________________

11. Why is the amount of gravity on the moon less than that on Earth?

12. How fast would the same performer fall on Earth compared to the Moon?
A. They would fall
faster on the Moon

B. They would fall

faster on Earth

C. They would fall at

the same speed.

13. When the performer falls onto the mattress he exerts a force down onto the
springs while the springs exert a force up onto him. The forces are then______________________
SCI FRI: Friction
14. The amount of friction depends on the _____________________of the surface. There is
__________________friction on rougher surfaces, while there is_____________________friction on
smoother ones.
15. The friction between an object and the air is called ________________________________
16. True or False: A car without a nose helps push away air more easily.
Pole 2 Pole: Magnetism
17. True or False: Magnetic forces can be used to pull and push objects. __________________
18. What can be used to turn off and on a magnetic force?____________________________
Insane: Unbalanced and Balanced Forces
19. Unbalanced forces: If the forces are balanced the object will not or will be moving with a
speed that _________________________changing.
20. If the forces on an object ______________________________balanced
21. An object on a surface has a weight that acts downwards. The surface has another force
acting ________________________________________________on the object to balance it.
Which ride or rides were unsafe? Explain why______________________________________________

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