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(For further reading refer: Chapter 18: CVs, Personal Interviews, and Group Discussions, Pg. 293296, Business Communication, By - P. D. Chaturvedi, Mukesh Chaturvedi Third Edition)
The skills that are usually assessed in a Group Discussion are:

Communication Skills

Clarity over Ambiguity

Interpersonal Skills

Listening skills

Leadership Skills

Presentation Skills

Motivational Skills

Team Building Skills

Tolerance / Patience
Out of the box thinking (Divergent

Analytical / Logical skills

Alertness and presence of mind

Here are some tips for effective participation in a GD:

1. Understand - Understand the topic before attempting to contribute
2. Speak - Try and get a chance to speak. If you dont get a chance to speak make your chance
3. Initiate - Take the initiative to begin the discussion, if possible
4. Structure - Structure arguments logically - justify your stand
5. Summaries- Summarize the discussion effectively
6. Involve- Take active part throughout the GD
7. Assert- Be assertive
8. Articulate- Work continuously towards articulating your ideas into meaningful sentences
to make the best impact. Be clear in your speech
9. Emphasize.-Use non-verbal communication to emphasize points
10. Listen- Be an attentive listener
11. Quality, not quantity matters- it's not 'how much' you say, but 'what' you say that's
12. Do not get too technical while speaking
13. Do not try to bluff
14. Do not criticize religion
15. Do not get personal
16. Be aware of your Body Language
You will have to pursue the following points if you want to be successful in a group discussion.
1. Read as much news as possible. Generally the topic is chosen from some of the current
happenings. Hence you should make sure that you have a look at all of them.
2. Speak loudly and clearly.
3. You should know that you are not really bounded to think in one way. You are free to think
on your own and put forward some new ideas.
4. Know what the topic is really about. If you have some confusion then wait for some time
and let others speak first. When the matter is quiet clear and the GD is in the midst then
start speaking with new ideas in mind.

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