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N XLII Date XV Februarius



We work hard to bring you

this newspaper and ensure
its security is not
compromised by the
corrupt Senate.

The latest news for those who want the

truth about the Senate.


EDITORS: Euan Ong, Vijay Keshav


During the Feast of Lupercal,

a soothsayer is reported to
have accosted Caesar. Upon
inquiry by Caesar, the
soothsayer plainly replied,
'Beware the Ides of March', a
date only a month hence.
This slightly macabre
message could seem
ominous to any commoner,
but Caesar, the self-styled
'god among men' dismissed
the warning as 'from a
dreamer' and let it pass. We
will see, however, whether
this message is from the
gods as the soothsayer

Murellus and Flavius


During Caesar's return (the

defeat of Pompey's sons),
many mechanicals (including
an asinine cobbler) took an
unauthorised holiday to line
the streets and watch the
parade. This impromptu
gathering was promptly
disbanded by Murellus and
Flavius, two pro-Pompey
tribunes, who instructed the
rabble to disrobe the
images and to weep in the

Is our 'great leader'

as great as we
thought? Special
Casca, writes. Only
yesterday, a most
astonishing event
occurred. That day, I
was most privileged
to watch the end of
Lupercal, the
ceremony in which
Caesar was actually
offered the crown.
Thrice he was offered
it by none other than
Mark Antony, and
thrice he declined,
but with an evergrowing grimace as

More on Caesar in pages 2 and 3.

A Portentious Storm?
Only last night, the houses of Rome shook in
what has been touted the worst thunderstorm of
the century. Our correspondents Cassius and
Casca believe this storm to be a dreadful herald
sent from the gods, quite possibly a warning as
to the current state of Rome; the storm

Caesar a war hero or a failure?
Pompey: An Obituary
Chariot Racing: Russata team disqualified for cursing opponents

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