Fast Girls: Opening Sequence Analyses

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Fast girls is a movie from the genre coming of age which means that the film focuses of
representing a journey of protagonist overcoming problems and difficult events in order to
achieve something.
The opening sequence is build up by four main media aspects of camera, mise en scene,
editing and sound. Each of the section is important as it has huge impact on the
representation of the film. The use of camera in this opening sequence is fundamental,
throughout the clip the camera is
hand held following the girl who
seems to be the protagonist. The
camera is match on action
leading us to see where the
protagonist is going and what
she visually sees. The camera
establishing shots to focus on the
location of a track giving us the
idea of the narrative of sporty film. The focus of establishing shot is on the location which is
a large stadium, this could imply protagonist large dream.
Mise en scene:
Text on device, Sporty costume, location- track, Props iconography of British flag, text on
score board.
Fast non digetic music, Digetic-TV on screen, dialogues.
Transition- sharp cuts , sound effects of wind and screams.

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