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8th Grade

Physical Science
December 1-5
Date Assigned



Today, in class, we are focusing all of our attention on friction and the various
types of friction. In P.E., we are starting our unit on Flag Football. Its a lot of
Homework: Experiment with friction at home. Select three or four different
common objects you think might have different amounts of friction.
Experiment by placing the objects on the ramp (that I taught you how to make
in class) while the ramp is flat then lifting one end until each object slides
down. Use a ruler to measure how high the ramp must be lifted before each
object slides down. Record your observations for each object. What happened
as the object slid down the ramp? What type of friction was evident? How high
did the ramp need to be for each object to be able to slide down? It is not
mandatory, but this would be a great opportunity for you to use a chart to
organize your answers.
Today, in class, we are focusing all of our attention on gravitybecause it is
KIND of a big deal.
Homework: Complete the following questions using complete sentences & define
the following words using the visual dictionary method (word, definition, and
picture of the word).
1. How does the mass of an object relate to the gravitational force the
object exerts on other objects?
2. How does the distance between objects affect the gravity between
3. What is the difference between mass and weight?
4. What must you know in order to determine the gravitational force
between two objects?
5. Where would you weigh the most, on a boat, on the space shuttle, or on
the moon? Explain why.
Word to Define Using the Visual Dictionary Method:
1. Friction
2. Sliding friction
3. Rolling friction
4. Fluid friction
5. Static friction
6. Lubricants
7. Gravity
8. Mass
9. Weight
10. Law of Universal Gravitation
We are going to review what weve learned as we have gone through Chapter 5.
We will complete pgs. 132 & 133 in our textbooks, together in class. We will use
pgs. 132 & 133 as our study guide. The Chapter 5 Test is next Tuesday,
December 9th.

Due Date



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