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Algebra 1



NETS4.) Use technology to promote critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
6.) Use technology operations and concepts
CCS- F.IF Analyze Different Functions using different representations
7.) Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using
technology for more complicated cases.
8.) Write a function defined by an expression in different but equivalent forms to reveal and explain different
properties of the function.

Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment
Begin the lesson by reviewing with students about what they have
learned about converting functions to slope-intercept form and standard
form, and how to find the functions slope, x and y intercepts, zeros,
minima, and maxima to generate their graphs.
The Lesson Structure: Activities
Today the class will use their previous knowledge of functions and their
graphs to complete the Functions and their Graphs Scavenger Hunt.
Each student will work individually through their scavenger hunt list to
find important graphing components of their given functions. The
students will then receive an iPad to scan the various QR codes placed
around the classroom to match each function with the appropriate


To receive a grade for completion, students must have the following:
Their scavenger hunt worksheet, work shown for each function
demonstrating how that found the different components of the
functions graph, a rough sketch of what they think the graph will look
like, and the alphabet letter corresponding to the correct QR code
representing to correct graph of each function.
If students have not completed the scavenger hunt during class they will
have to take their worksheet home and complete with work shown for
each function demonstrating how that found the different components
of the functions graph, and a rough sketch of what they think the graph
will look like.

Students will be lead through an
example of using the iPad to read
the QR codes around the room

Row leaders will retrieve an iPad

and the scavenger worksheet for
each student in their row
Students will be informally
assessed of their understanding
through assistance and
observation of the scavenger hunt
Students will be formally assessed
on the completion of their
scavenger hunt worksheet and the
proper work shown.
Row leaders are in charge of
collecting their rows iPads and
returning to the lab
Any incomplete problems on the
worksheet will be given as
homework without the QR code
match component

Self Evaluation of the Lesson

After guiding students through this lesson activity, I will have an understanding of where students are at in their level of
ability to use important components of functions to generate their graphs. Having students show their written work will
allow me to see if any mistakes are due to computational errors or interpretation errors when generating their graphs.

Resources Materials
iPad Lab with QR reader app
Functions and their Graphs Scavenger Hunt worksheet
Printed lesson QR codes

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