Interview Questions - Kasey

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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Place of Business:

Courtney Smith


Kasey Marsh
__x_Mentor ___Other Professional #1
K. Shannon Creative

___Other Professional #2

Business Address:
Phone Number:


Date of Interview:


Type of Interview: __x_ In Person ___ Telephone* ___Email*

*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)
People think it will be glamorous and everyone will always be smiling and beautiful. But in reality it is
very competitive and you have to do a lot of marketing. As a person who is more creative-minded, its been hard
to keep up with the financial end. It was a rude awakening even though I had helped people with that in the past.
You think working for yourself youll get to make your own schedule but its hard because youre never off. You
always want to answer your phone because its your livelihood.
2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)
A Bachelors of Science and Health. Theres no education required but theres a lot of education
opportunities available- professional photographers association, Houston professional photographers guild- you
can find internships and assistance-ships or you can get a fine arts degree.
3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)
Returning client inquirines-responding to new or current clients, scheduling, checking the weather and
doing any necessary rescheduling, downloading and backing up the photos, cleaning the space and equipment,
editing pictures, sharing on social media (for marketing and constructive criticism through peer groups),
community events- volunteering, career day. Theres not really 2 days alike, but you always update the website
and marketing, order products and working with clients.
4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)
Pretty secure, the future is a hot topic because of the availability of digital cameras. Its becoming more
and more difficult to get new consumers to respect professionals and experience. That every new mom with a
camera is a professional. But it wont cut into it too much because they arent the same quality.

Revised Fall 2013

5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?
It really varies- for working from home with in community about 60,000-70,000 a year but it varies on
type (wedding) or how much you push sales. Im sure theres a 1,000,000 dollar studios but for someone from
home 40,000 dollars purely profit is a good goal.
6. What potential for growth is there in your field?
(growth potential)
There is great potential because of the same reasons professionals fear it is more competitive. With the
availability of digital cameras (easier to learn an manipulate) and larger ways to learn (internet) and allow for
large growth.
7. What is your favorite thing about the job?
When people are really, really happy with pictures of themselves or their children. Just knowing their
really happy and that if something happens theyll always have that.
8. What originally caught your interest in photography?
My father was always taking pictures of us when we were little. He was an artist, but he wasnt able to
make it a job in that time, so it was always a hobby for him. But he taught me how to take photographs. My great
Aunt gave me my first real camera.
9. What is the most difficult aspect of the job?
The most difficult aspect of the job is people who are incapable of seeing themselves as beautiful no
matter what you do, who will always nitpick. Navigating through people and trying to make them see themselves
as beautiful. It almost makes me work harder so they will see themselves as beautiful.
10. What is your least favorite part of the job?

Dealing with the financial aspects in every way. Paying for stuff, trying to make sure Im
charging for stuff, all of it. Its the most difficult because its not fun.

Revised Fall 2013

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