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Just like an inverse triangle, your introduction should start

with a broad, general topic and slowly narrow to a specific
The entire universe is interconnected, one way or another, to the actions
of the things which populate it. The Chaos theory states that the flap
of a butterflys wings can cause a typhoon halfway across the world,
revealing the truth that people are always connected to the actions
of others. Futures change, lives end and characters destroy
themselves trying to comprehend how they would be in
in such a different state had one person not said what
theyd said or had not done what theyd done.

In the novel The Wars, by Timothy Findley, it is

revealed to the reader that one persons
choice can completely change the outcome
of anothers life. This is especially relevant
when it comes to one of the human
races most primal natures: sex.
In the novel, we see that, one by
one characters are affected by
other characters sexual
This is most obvious
for the three characters
Rowena and Robert
Ross, and Juliet

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