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Molly Farris

Food Personal Narrative

The sounds and scents of the French Quarter have always been a fond memory
of my childhood. There was nothing better than the anticipation of the car ride across
the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway as the tiny little city grew larger and larger. The
moment you open the car door, the sound of New Orleans Jazz swirls around you.
There are people in dazzling costumes strutting down the street and unique little shops
lining the cobblestone streets. Then just as you turn the corner you can see a quaint
little caf. The scent of strong coffee and sugar dance around and tickle your nose.
There is no better sight than the Caf Du Monde.
Just steps away from the river, a beautiful old caf sits gracefully like a rose in
vase. The seating is open to the fresh air with viewing windows into the kitchen. Now as
you guessed this little caf is French just like much of the New Orleans culture. They
serve the most amazing doughnuts. These doughnuts are made fresh to order and
completely by hand. The dough is mixed just enough and then rolled to about a quarter
inch in thickness. It is then cut into squares and fried. The doughnuts puff up into
beautiful golden pillows. While they are still hot they are dusted with powdered sugar
and scooped up by an eager server.
Along with these luscious doughnuts, the Caf Du Monde is famous for its coffee.
Its deep in color and flavor and specially made. As a child I never opted into drinking
coffee, so I picked the best alternative- chocolate milk. The excitement is overwhelming
as the tiny mountain of sugar-covered doughnuts is whisked to your table. The first bite
is indescribable and amazing. The puffy little pillow seems to just melt in your mouth as

your taste buds dance in rejoice to flavor. Each bite seems to get better and better as
your fingertips slowly get a light coating of powdered sugar. You quickly eat through two
then three and then there are no more. Lastly you indulge in sweet layer of sugar that
has built up on your fingers without a single drop of regret. Every drop of coffee and
chocolate milk is guzzled down until there is no sight that there was ever anything in the
cup to begin with. You cant help but sit back bask in beauty around you. You will
always remember the sweetness that was had at the beautiful Caf du Monde.
As Ive gotten older and my families schedule become more hectic, the yearly trip
to the loved caf turned into every two years and then four and then not at all. The last
time I was in New Orleans the unique little caf had become a franchise with pop-up
fast food restaurants in multiple locations. I was saddened by the thought that my once
cherished caf had fallen victim to fast food chains and that little girls wouldnt get to
enjoy the wonderful charm that I experienced. The beautiful hand crafted dough was
now on shelves in boxes sitting side by side with other breakfast mixes just waited to be
picked up. The coffee was also stacked on the shelves in bright orange cans that
seemed to blend in with all the others. Even the cobblestone streets have become slim
and turned into pavement bustling with cars instead of street performers and tourists.
I know that I have not seen my last powdery doughnut from the real Caf Du
Monde and that one day I will be able to sit by the river and enjoy my own little mountain
of heaven. I look forward to the day I can go back and remember the good times I had
with my family as we explored the French culture. I guess until then I will just have to
settle with the box dough that any ole Joe could pick up make. It wont be the same as
the original but its the best you can do when you crave that irresistible treat.

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