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To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, student teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of first, second, and third field
experience with input from their cooperating teacher and/or the University supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each field experiences
evaluation, links each field experience to the next, establishes goals for improvement, and forms an agenda for discussion between the student
teacher, the cooperating teacher and University supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent field experience. For First Field Experience only
(excluding Physical Education students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.

Andrea Garofalo
Name ____________________________

Student Number ______________________

B.Ed. Program: _____________________

Field Experience: 1st



I have shown thorough to advanced development in the following Professional Competencies developed
during this field experience:
Competency 5: To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the
related competencies.
Competency 7: To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with
learning disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps.

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this field
Competency 10: To cooperate with members of the teaching team in carrying out tasks involving
the development and evaluation of the competencies targeted in the programs of study, taking into
account the students concerned.

Competency 5: To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the
related competencies.
Competency 7: To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with
learning disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps.
I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:
I will be completing my fourth field experience this winter semester, so I will very soon be given another opportunity to develop
these competencies. In my fourth placement, I will work towards developing competency 10 further by working as closely as
possible with my cooperating teacher and other members of the teaching team for my class. In order to prepare myself to teach the
class I will be placed with, I hope to be able to communicate with my cooperating teacher before the placement begins about the
program of study and the competencies the students are working towards. Furthermore, if possible I will visit the school and class
before my first day in order to understand the environment, start to build relationships with the teaching team, and start to get to
know the students and their curriculum.
While I feel as though I have shown a lot of progress in competencies 5 and 7 in my third field experience, I know there is a lot more
I can learn to refine my skills in these areas. Getting to know the students and their curriculum early on will help me with this. In my
fourth field experience, I would like to work towards learning how to assign final assessment grades. I hope to work closely with my
cooperating teacher to develop this skill, as well as continuing to use evaluation tools to clarify my expectations and an
assignment's criteria.

Student teachers signature


This completed Action Plan is to be discussed with your cooperating teacher and McGill supervisor at the start of your subsequent
field experience.

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