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Lesson Plan Outline #4

Class being taught: EIL intermediate

Sponsor Teacher: Saki, Sayaka, Yeji

Prepared on 10/11/2014
To be used on 10/15/2014

Prepare the activities we are going to work on.
Projector, pencils, and handouts.
Course Objective
Getting knowledge about the synonyms, how to apply vocabulary
knowledge for writings as they write.

White board
Vocabulary flash card.

Lesson Objective(s) The students will be able to

The students will be able to write an essay with AWL and creativity.
1. Guessing vocabulary/ find the
2. 10 minutes writing.
3. Guessing words and write it on
the board.

EEE is held by TESOL students
every Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Technology Component

Review/Development, and Time

1. Introduction - 10min
2. Guessing vocabulary/ find the synonyms.
There would be some dialogues with blanks. Students guess what vocabulary will fit there, and at the same
time, they say the synonyms as many synonyms as they know. - 15-20min
3. 10 minutes writing.
We give students some AWL, and they write a 10 min essay with those words.
After they complete the essay, we share with group of 3. 15-20min
4. Guessing words and write it on the board.
One student comes up to the front, and describes what the word is. The rest of students write the word on the
board. - 15min
Philosophical Justification
I know repeating is going to always help students to study languages. I
like to practice the same thing over and over. That way, students can
apply for it in real world.
It was good to think and prepare more about questions that I will ask, so
I did well on it.
Contingency Plan
If the projector would not work,
we could just lead the class orally.

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