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Kait Gregory

Annotated Bibliography
"About Us." The DREAM Project. The Dominican Republic Education And Mentoring
Project, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
This source provided detail on one of the largest and most widespread nonprofit
organizations that operate in the Dominican Republic. The About Us page is extremely
helpful because it provides information on their missions, values, where they work, etc.
Even though I am very interested in Students International, it is nice to know that there
are other organizations in the Dominican working to help the people there.
This source is going to be helpful to me when I create my final product because it
gives me a larger basis of knowledge about NGOs in the Dominican. Hopefully I will be
able to look into this nonprofit and expand my horizons about ways to volunteer in the
This is the official website for the DREAM Project whish is a well-known NGO.
This means that the information should be reliable and credible. The DREAM Project
does not work solely in the Dominican, so there are people all over the world working
with this organization. This gives the source more credibility.
"H.O.P.E Dominican Republic." H.O.P.E Dominican Republic. N.p., 2014. Web. 10 Nov.
This source gives an overview of yet another NGO working to help in the
Dominican Republic. This NGO is a run by a family and a network of their peers to help
spread the gospel in the Dominican. I worked with this NGO for 12 days aver the
summer, so I figured I would research and look into how to get more involved with them
This website will help me in my research because it can help me describe my past
experiences in the Dominican more easily. Also, it provides another way that NGOs are
run and a different setup that none of my other sources talked about.
I think that this source is reliable because it was written by people who work and
live in the Dominican permanently. They have firsthand experience and know where the
most help is needed. There is not a lot of information on this website, but I still think that
it is relevant and reliable. H.O.P.E stands for Helping Others Pursue Eternity. This
source is obviously a Christian source with eternity alluding to heaven. This may cause
concern because there could be bias on the website, but I want to do missions work, so
the source relevant to me.

Kait Gregory
Newcomer, Kathryn, Laila E. Baradei, and Sandra Garcia. "Expectations and Capacity of
Performance Measurement in Ngos in the Development Context." Public
Administration and Development. 33.1 (2013): 62-79. Print.
This source gave an overview of Nonprofit Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
as a whole. It talked about the struggles faced by NGOs and the process of creating an
NGO. It was not focused on any specific country or cause, but instead looked at many
different NGOs and their ability to address complex problems faced by many developing
This source was not very specific to my topic, but it did give me more insight into
what NGOs are and how they are set up. I think this will be helpful as I go forward in my
research. This gave me a lot of background on my broad topic instead of just focusing on
the Dominican like I want to.
This is definitely a credible source because it was on the database on the Atkins
Library website. It was also a part of a larger work entitled Public Administration and
Development, so it was obviously reliable enough to put into a larger work. It is also a
pretty relevant article seeing as it was published in 2012. I also did some research on the
authors of this source and they all have notable accomplishments, which makes the
source even more reliable. Kathryn Newcomer is an author and professor at George
Washington University. Laila E. Baradei is a professor at the American University in
Cairo, Egypt .She works with NGOs and is very knowledgeable on the topic. The authors
of this source make it even more obvious that it is a credible source.

Roberts, L. "Elimination Meets Reality in Hispaniola." Science (new York, N.y.).

328.5980 (2010): 850-1. Print.
This source describes the different diseases that people on the island of Hispaniola
(the Dominican Republic and Haiti) have to deal with. It also discusses what is being
done to deal with these different diseases. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities and
ways to get involved to help the people on that island. It also discusses how malaria and
tuberculosis are being transported from Haiti to the Dominican and vice versa.
This source did not provide a ton of information of how to get involved with a
nonprofit organization. It did talk a lot about how the diseases affect the countries. The
only way to get involved that this source discussed had to do more with the medical field,
and that is something that I am not particularly interested in.
This source is very informative and I know it is credible because it was found on
one of the databases on the Atkins Library website. It was a short article, but it provided
reliable information. The article was originally printed in an issue of a science magazine
and that provides more credibility to the source. Also, the author of this article is a
professor at Boston University. He is knowledgeable on the topic covered in the article
and that provides more credibility to this source.

Kait Gregory
"Students International - Education in Missions." Students International - Education in
Missions. N.p., 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
This source is the website for the main organization I am interested in in the
Dominican. The website outlines all of the service opportunities that are available in the
Dominican and the other countries that this organization helps in. There is information
about all of the different countries and all of the different professional programs that they
offer services in like education and healthcare. There are also different ways to give to
the organization on this website.
This source was very interesting and helpful to me. Im extremely interested in
getting involved with this organization. It provided a lot of different information, and the
link to the educational opportunities was very helpful to me. I think that this source will
be very helpful to me when I create my final project.
This source is relevant and reliable. It is the official website of Students
International, which leads me to believe that the information is true and credible. Not too
many people have heard of this organization, and that worries me a little bit. This may be
because people are not searching for organizations like this, but still, if more people knew
about it, I would believe that the information was more credible.

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