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Do you believe in UFOs? Well YES, I do believe in extratterial life.

In April 1996 Nevada State Highway 375 was officially named the Extraterrestrial Highway.

The E.T. Highway is also the fastest connection between Yosemite National Park in the west and Zion National
Park and Grand Canyon in the east.

Tune in Mexico UFO and Phoenix lights

Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico UFO sighting, as series about the famous March 13, 1997 Phoenix lights
UFO phenomena seen by thousands of people in Arizona, Nevada and parts of Mexico sky, on the night of March
13, it was witnessed by hundreds of people also supported by many photographs and videos, this fantastic event
is still discussed and analyzed today. sighted during a three hour period between 7:30pm and 10:30pm lighted
structure had made its way over the southern part of the city of Phoenix. By this time, literally thousands of
people had witnessed the object.

I have been searching for a logical explanation on the March 13,1997 event known as the Phoenix Lights it is an
Extraterrestrial life is life that does not originate from Earth

The E.T. is perfect becose it turn on the approximation and squaring the circle of uniform astronomy.

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