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LSA 220 Introduction to Landscape Architecture

MyCampus Survey Sasaki Associates

Kaitlin Campbell

Syracuse University is a large campus that exists throughout the city of Syracuse, NY, located in
Downtown Syracuse, as well as having a main campus and south campus. Having a large campus allows
there to be many places on campus for the university to invest in and update. Sasaki Associates located
in Watertown, MA has teamed up with Syracuse University to create a master plan of the campus using
the MyCampus Survey. The master plan is intended to show the university where to invest in the
campus based on feedback from the student body as well as faculty.
Feedback was given based on various aspects of the campus such as safety, transportation,
parking, housing, food, etc. As a student, I find safety is the biggest problem that needs to be invested
in. Many students responded saying that nighttime makes them feel uneasy, especially around places
like Thornden Park and Oakwood Cemetery. Having more well lit, prominent sidewalks in these locations
may help students feel a bit safer during the evening hours. The university could also consider the idea
of implementing more blue lights on the outskirts of campus near Comstock and the west side, to
ensure a little bit more of a safer feel.
Safety is one of the many issues that students and faculty hope Syracuse University will invest in.
The survey implemented by Sasaki Associates is the perfect way for the university to understand what
the students/faculty want in order to effectively change the campus for the future.

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