Day Book Entry2

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The Struggle
ENG 112 is a struggle for me this semester. Im not very good at writing papers, but my goal is
to become better at writing papers by using less fragments, prepositions, and also making sure I
use the correct tense, since those are my problem areas. Hopefully, I will get better so I will
pass this class not only because I dont want to take it over, but because I want to gain
something from this class.
I chose this daybook entry because over the course of this class I have learned how to narrow
my thoughts and also how to research my sources and use the ones that will best prove the
point that Im arguing. I have learn more than I thought I would from this class and Im glad that
I feel more confident in writing now. On 09/22/2014 I wrote an entry in my day book
concerning how writing was one of my biggest struggles. Now on 11/24/2014 I proud to say
that I dont have as much anxiety as I use to have and that it has been a lot easier than I
thought it would be.

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