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Module 1 Diversity and Classroom Management

Diversity in the classroom in not only in the physical aspects of the students and
cultural wise, it also includes the way different ways students respond to
instruction. Culturally the diversity is growing and it is one of this countrys
strengths, bringing new ideas and energy. But the challenges cultural diversity
brings to teachers are different attitudes, values, and languages. There are 3
different theories of minority achievement the cultural deficit theory, teacher
expectations, and the cultural differences theory. Teachers in multicultural
classrooms need to make an active effort to enter into students lives to understand
their attitudes and values and how these affect the ways they act and behave.
Teaching positive attitudes by emphasizing mutual respect for all cultures ensures
that all cultural groups are treated with respect. Language diversity also poses a
challenge to teachers because most of the instruction is verbal. There are English
language development programs, which include bilingual maintenance programs,
transitional bilingual programs, and English as a second language (ESL) programs.
Another form of diversity in the classroom is teaching students with different
learning abilities. For some students it takes longer to master new content then it is
for students with learning disabilities. Then there are also students with
exceptionalities, which are those students who require special help to reach their
full potential. As a teacher you will need to accommodate these different
intelligences and everyones learning style. Finally there are the at-risk students that
are in danger of failing to complete their education with the skills necessary to
survive in modern society. These factors are often associated with students being at
risk; poverty and low socioeconomic status, cultural minority, nonnative English
speaker, mobility, substandard schools, motivational and self-esteem problems,
disengagement from schools, and management problems. First we need to
understand the problem and create greater support, structure in our classrooms,
create challenge and excitement. Now classroom management is essential in a
productive learning environment, first years teachers have the most problem with
managing their classroom and disruptive students create a non-learning
environment. Effective management is strongly linked to student achievement;
students learn more in environments that are orderly and safe. Classroom
management is dependent on 3 factors; first is that it is interdependent with
effective instruction, second effective teachers prevent, rather than solve most
classroom management problems, and third effective teachers intervene quickly
and consistently when they have disruptive behavior and quickly return to
instruction. A teacher must have rule and plan it effectively for in order to classroom
management to work. The beginning of the school year is always crucial for every
teacher for classroom management and the rest of the school year depends on it.

Module 2 Effective Teaching

An effective teacher has a positive climate that invites students into the classroom, it
communicates that they are valued as individuals, and focuses on learning. Students
need to know that they are accepted and that their teachers care for them.
Classroom management is also essential in teaching and students learning suffers
when their classmates are disruptive. Classrooms with a positive climate focus on
learning. Therefore teachers can focus on providing students tasks that are
interesting, meaningful, and challenging. Effective teachers as mentioned before
influence through their attitudes and beliefs. That they care about their students,
reaches high expectations in their teaching and for students learning, and they are
positive and enthusiastic models. Effective teachers communicate clearly and
logically and are able to emphasize important ideas. They allocate their time wisely,
they limit time spent on non-instructional activities, and when they teach they keep
their students engaged and successful. They have to be well organized, learn
themselves, prepare their materials in advance, and have well-established routines.
Effective teachers use a general instruction model which begins the lessons with
reviews of previous work and plan for student motivation, as the lessons are
developed teachers organize their content and maintain students involvement, then
they end their lessons with a thorough review to summarize the lesson.

Module 3 Pedagogy and Technology

Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, the science and art of education; it
is the study and practice of how best to teach. Now using technology to increase
student learning is viewed as essential elements of instruction to help students
develop critical thinking skills. Todays teachers need to know how to use these
technologies to help students learn. Technology can also be used to support learners
with disabilities. The assistive technology is required by federal law under the
individuals with Disabilities in Education Act and include motorized chairs, remote
control devices that turn machines on and off with the nod of the head or other
muscle action, and machines that amplify sights and sounds. Adaptations for
computer input devices are the most widespread use of assistive technology.
Technology can also be used as a means to communicate with parents and
communication is an essential step in home-school cooperation. Teachers now get
to use websites that describe current class topics and assignments, parents may also
be able to monitor missing assignments, their grades, etc. Teachers also use
technology to plan; technology makes planning efforts more effective and efficient.
Technology can assist your planning efforts in 3 ways. First, it can provide access to
resources. Second, technology can also assist you directly during the planning
process. Third, it can serve as an efficient storage and retrieval system to make
planning efforts in the future more efficient. Technology is also used to involve
students in the classroom, technology, as we know it will not be the same in a few
years and our youth is embracing it, therefore making it a great asset to the

Module 4 Assessment
Assessments in the classroom include the information teachers gather and the
decisions they make about learning progress. Assessment performs both
instructional and institutional functions. Effective assessment increases learning
and provides information for students, teachers, parents, and school and district
administration. Assessments are valid when they are consistent with goals and
learning activities, they have to be efficient and usable. Teachers use assessment to
promote learning. An effective assessment practice includes establishing positive
expectations, preparing students for tests, specifying what will be on the test, and
giving students a chance to practice with the content and format. During testing,
effective teachers create a comfortable environment, monitor the students, and
provide directions for taking the test. Then they score and return tests, discuss
frequently missed items, and make supportive comments about the students
performance. An effective assessment system includes tests, quizzes, homework,
and other sources of information about student progress.

Work Cited
Kauchak, Don , and Paul Eggen. Learning and Teaching Research-Based
Methods. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Print.

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