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Svenska Kolorektaldagarna i Malm!

Thursday April 16th
Pelvic Imaging and Diagnosis
MRI what is new?
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Positron Emission Tomography
Advanced Adenomas and Early Cancers
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
Chemoradiation alone
Case discussion
Neodjuvant treatment
Neoadjuvant treatment to whom?
Complete Neoadjuvant Response
Head-on-Head: Surgery vs
Wait and see?
Postop Management and Sequeles
Optimal follow-up - COLOFOL trial
Outcome from the patients view
Sexual dysfunction how to manage

Friday April 17th

Advanced and Recurrent Rectal Cancer
Proton irradiation
Isolated Pelvic Perfusion (IPP)
Revisiting IORT
The role of targeted therapy
Minimizing Surgical Complications
How to implement ERAS
Perioperative optimization
Perineal Wounds Mesh,
Flap or Suture?
Minimal Invasive Techniques
Head-on-Head: LAP vs Robotics
Transanal TME

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