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Title: Student Sample Work

Date: Fall 2014

Description: For this standard, I am using sample work from a student. I read Pilgrim,
Pilgrim, What Do You See? to the students, and they were asked to draw a picture of
three things that they see. They then had to write three sentences to go along with their
picture. Each sentence had to start with an uppercase letter and end with a period. This
student spelled words the way that they sounded.
Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment:
This best aligns to Standard Eight: Assessment. This states, the teacher understands and
uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous
intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil. This best aligns to this
standard because the work from the student was an informal assessment after listening
to a story. Since we are still at the beginning stages of reading and writing, I was not
concerned if the words were not spelled correctly. However, I was looking for the
words to be spelled phonetically. This assessment showed me that the student is doing
well with sounds, but needs to work on his handwriting skills. The student was able to
take his knowledge of the story that was read, and was able to create his own drawing
and sentences. It is an informal assessment because I did not necessarily give a grade
to the activity. Instead, I looked at each component to check for understanding and to
look at writing skills.
UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Alignment:
This best aligns with KSD1.f., Assesses Student Learning. This states, The candidate
understands, is committed to, and can develop assessments that are clearly stated and
congruent with instructional goals. The students are aware of how they are meeting the
established standards and are involved in the goal setting process. The sample work best
aligns to this KSD because the activity goes along with our curriculum, and I clearly
stated what the students needed to complete. At this point of the year, we work a lot on
making sure the beginning of each sentence has an uppercase letter and there is
punctuation at the end. We also work on making sure there are spaces between words,
and that words are spelled phonetically correct. This activity works on all of those skills
because students had to write three sentences to go along with their picture. Before the
students started working, I gave students directions about what they needed to complete. I
also created an example so that they had a model for their own work. The activity was
informal, but can be used to further develop other activities to enhance student learning.
Secondary KSD's:
KSD4.b Maintains Accurate Records
KSD3.d Provide Feedback to Students
What I learned about teaching/learning:

I learned that many students need an example of the activity that they need to complete.
This, along with verbal directions, can help students succeed in a task. I also learned that
younger students can only complete a few tasks at a time, so it is important to assess the
skills that are necessary. In this assignment, I could only focus on punctuation and the
spelling of words because those are the two areas I told students I would be looking at. If
necessary, I could work with individual students if I felt another skill needed to be
What I learned about myself as a prospective teacher:
I learned that I sometimes have a hard time looking past misspelled words in the work
from kindergarten. I need to learn that the spelling of words is not as important as making
sure there are uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences and making sure that words
have spaces between them. I also learned that I do well with helping students make
connections between a story and their own work. It is important for students to remember
what they read and to make connections to the story, but it is also important for students
to have their own ideas. I did well helping students remember what happened in the story,
and using that information to create their own sentences.

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