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8th Grade Earth Science

Take a Tectonic Vacation!

As we conclude our study of Earths structure, processes and
plate tectonics, lets travel around the world and investigate
the evidence for these theories.
Destination #2: New Mexico, United States of America
1. Visit the following website:
2. In complete sentences, answer the following questions:
a. What is another name for the Rio Grande Rift?
b. What assumption is commonly made regarding the
Rio Grande River?
c. Where does the Rio Grande Rift start and extend to?
d. What geologic time period is referred to in the Rio
Grande Rifts tectonic history?
e. What two tectonic plates movement set the stage
for the Rio Grande Rift?
f. When did the Rio Grande Rift begin to form?
g. What three geologic features have directly resulted of
the rifting that has occurred over the past 30 million
years in New Mexico?
3. Complete your travel log and map for Destination #2.

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