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Subject: Writing

Time Table: 1 hour 30 minutes

Title: Turkey Persuasive Paper

Time: 12:55-2:20

Date: 11/14/14

School Site: Thiriot

Grade: 3rd

PSMT: Mcgowan

Language Obj.- SW be able to identify different perspectives and put themselves in someone else's
"shoes". SW be able to write a persuasive essay using strategies and organizational skills discussed in
I: TW begin today's lesson by reviewing Thanksgiving and what we have discussed thus far in class. I will
lead into today's lesson by having the class close their eyes and imagining themselves as turkeys. How
would they feel if they knew they were going to be cooked and eaten.
GP: Together, we will read the article, "The Turkey's Lucky Day: A Presidential Pardon" and talk about it
as a group.
IP: SW then fill out the worksheet of comprehension questions from the article before discussing it with
GP: TW go over the worksheet and SW volunteer their answers and give rationale/evidence for why they
chose that answer. TW then lead into a brainstorming session on today's writing topic. They will be writing
a persuasive essay from the perspective of a turkey, begging people not to kill and eat them.
IP: After students have brainstormed and discussed their ideas amongst one another, they may begin
writing their essay and organizing their ideas.
Diff/acc.: partner work, seating arrangements, work with teacher.
Cl: Any students who have completed theirs may present them to the class. TW wrap up the lesson with a
review discussion on today's material and the purpose for learning it.
A: discussion, worksheet, persuasive essay.
Lemov Strategy: - Stretch it
- Name the steps
- Circulate
- Ratio
Materials: - Whiteboard
- Overhead
- 23 copies of Reading passage and worksheet
- 23 copies of persuasive essay organizer
- 23 copies of persuasive essay template
- Pencils
- Writing notebooks

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