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Product Name: Car

Company Name: Automoblox

1. What is the purpose or primary function of the object?
The purpose of this product is for the use in an engineering class, for example to
practice your isometric drawing etc.

Sketch from engineering notebook

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

IED Activity 6.3 Product Observation Example Page 1

2. Make an educated guess as to how this product operates. Use simple machines
terminology to explain the operation.
When you push the car the wheels turn and it moves in a straight line. You can also
take it apart piece by piece, for example you can take the wheels off etc.

Applied force push/pull

Kinetic energy

The car will move

backwards and forwards

Friction causing heat

3. What mechanical components are visible?

The wheels, axel, people, and wooden frame
4. What is it about this devices function that you cannot identify because the
mechanical components are hidden from plain view?
Nothing all of the mechanical pieces are visible. Like the wheel, the axel and the
wooden frame

2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

IED Activity 6.3 Product Observation Example Page 2

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