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Subject: Reading

Time Table: 1 hour 10 minutes

Title: Character Traits

Time: 11:00-12:10

Date: 9/17/14

School Site: Thiriot

Grade: 3rd

PSMT: Mcgowan

Language Obj.- SW be able to identify the differences between character traits and how they
relate to the characters in the story Wonder that we have been reading.
Book Selection: Wonder by RJ Palacio
I: TW begin Guided reading a little earlier today, and continue to read "Wonder" to the class
before they head out to recess and lunch. TW/SW also have a discussion on what we have read
thus far and discuss any new characters or events that we have been introduced to in the book.
TW begin talking about character traits and how authors use them in stories and books to
represent their characters. During the lesson TW continue to talk about character traits and refer
to the guided reading book "Wonder" that we have been reading. TW talk about how character
traits can be both physical traits and those that a character has on the inside which correlates
with their personality and feelings.
GP: TW/SW create a character chart listing different traits that reperesent or can describe the
main character, August. TW model todays project for the class.
IP: SW be given a character template in which they are to draw August's face on the outside and
write physical traits around it and on the inside they will write all of his character traits on the
inside such as personality and feelings. TW/SW refer back to the character chart that we did on
August and edit it a bit, maybe adding some things, or narrowing it down. I want them to make the
connection between inside and outside traits and that the outside, or physical traits don't matter
as much as the inside traits that a person has.
Diff/acc.: seating arrangement, visuals, partner work, work with teacher, small groups.
Cl: TW bring class back together for a wrap up discussion on character traits. SW briefly present
their August Brochures to the rest of the class and explain their rationale.
A: discussion, presentation, Character Traits Project, Character chart.

Materials: -Character Chart Templates

- Overhead
- "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio
Kagan Stategy: Timed-Pair-Share- Students will partner up and for a predetermined amount of
time they will brainstorm character traits for the characters from the book "Wonder".
Lemov Strategy: - Name the steps
- Board=paper
- Break it down

- Everybody writes
-Precise praise

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