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The Journey to New York

Russell Mangsen, Sofi Sanchez, Sara Schlecht

1. Show format proposal

As members of Collegiate DECA, our primary mission is to develop new marketing strategies to
help Generation Y reach its target market and succeed in the industry. We recommend that
Generation Y develop its own specific brand to show how unique it is by showcasing originality.
Instead of using songs previously written by other people, we suggest they add some new songs,
written either by themselves or by Alejandro Senior. We are suggesting that they implement
more of a musical performance with a plot rather than a series of connected songs to Within
Reach. This can be done by adding dialogue and creating a story line that the audience can
easily follow. In the future this can even translate into a book, which would open up the
opportunity for a new market segment.
2. Full Proposal
In order to reach the collegiate target audience we have developed a campaign in which
Generation Y would travel to 7 local universities surrounding New York City. They would
perform the individual songs to Within Reach to audiences at these select few schools without
stringing the performances together like they will during their final full musical performance in
the heart of New York City. After performing at these universities, the group will explain to the
audience that the songs they just heard are all part of their work in progress the final musical.
Students will pay $5 for admission to their show at these 7 universities. The ticket stub for this
show will grant students 10% off of the final show in New York, and purchasing a CD
soundtrack for $5 after the show will grant students 25% off the show in New York, which will
cost $20 each. By the time Generation Y finishes touring the colleges, they will be well-known
among the entertainment community. The goal is to book Generation Ys performance at the
UCB Theater in New York City, a very popular venue for college students in the area.

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