Letter of Recommendation

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December 1, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

I wish to recommend Ms. Cassidy Ott for employment in your district. Ms. Ott takes an
active role not only in her studies, but also in the campus community. In addition to being a
Spanish education major, Ms. Ott is the Panhellenic Delegate for Alpha Xi Delta, a Raider
Recruitment Supervisor, and a member of the Alpha Lamda Delta Honors Fraternity, and
the Student National Educators Association. I am confident that Ms. Ott will continue her
commitment to both academics and civic engagement while employed in your district.
I am confident that she will be a first rate teacher.
I met Ms. Ott when she was a student in my EDU 215 Multicultural Education course at the
University of Mount Union in the fall of 2014. Ms. Ott contributed many ideas to the
required service-learning/civic engagement project, which ultimately became the bravery
conference, where Mount Union students traveled to a neighboring school district to
facilitate mini conference based upon social justice principles. Ms. Ott organized and led her
peers toward the successful completion of this project. I was impressed with Ms. Otts
interactions with students and with education professionals in our community.
In sum, Ms. Ott is a caring young woman with unlimited potential. She works very well
collaboratively and can lead others effectively. I am confident that Ms. Ott will be successful
in whatever she attempts. Thus, it is without hesitation that I recommend Ms. Cassidy Ott
for employment in your school district.
If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you
for your time.

Jennifer L. Martin, Ph.D.

University of Mount Union

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